Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Never Give Up (& A Must See Video!)

Hello Friends!!

I wasn't planning on posting today. Today is an extremely "Tired Tuesday" for me. I am one worn out, weary woman!

I try hard to pursue a balanced, whole life ~ but I think a combination of
speaking events back to back to back, as well our full family life, the Monday Night ministry (which I love!), plus a 7 hour car ride to attend Brenda's mom's funeral~ has left me weary, empty, and exhausted.

I was just catching up on a few of my hundred+ e-mails waiting for me, when I came across a note from my son Jake's Varsity football coach. I'll be honest, I thought, "Oh this looks like a quick e-mail to delete. I'll read the article he requested, and then that's one less e-mail waiting for me."

Boy was I mistaken. The coach's e-mail and attached video clip totally transformed my morning.

Friends, please take a moment to watch this video. Perhaps I'm just over-tired and super emotional, but it was just the "token of encouragement" I needed to get out of my slippers and "back in the game"! :)

I pray it ministers to you as well....

(To set up the video, here is a portion of the
newspaper article on our high school football program...

"Before each football game, the Grand Rapids Christian Eagles gather in a huddle and one player leads the team in a repeat-after-me-style chant. It's about a minute long, and starts like this:

I will never give up.
Because if I do, I give up on those beside me.
I will never give up.
Because if I do, I give up on those who believe in me.

The video really does work, I tried it a number of times ~ if you push play and it doesn't start right away, please try again! :)

(P.S. My son Jake is #61 ~ he has bright red hair in front of the camera. So in case you're wondering, yes, the sweaty, cute red head is my son :) )

I'm not sure what circumstances you are faced with today, my friend.

Perhaps you too are weary, exhausted, empty??

Maybe you have a relationship challenge that is frustrating, painful, and just plain old hard.

Or maybe you're financial situation is so very draining. One friend said to me last week, "I'm just sick of it, Cindy, just sick of it ~ I am so sick of not having any money. When will this ever end??"

Whatever life circumstances we are faced with today, may we NEVER GIVE UP!

Galatians 6:9 (The Message)

So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.

I will never give up.
Because if I do, I give up on those beside me.
I will never give up.
Because if I do, I give up on those who believe in me.

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!!! May God sprinkle your path with tokens of encouragement today!!!



  1. Good Morning Cindy! I just love this!! Oh; my I have been so tired the last 2 mornings!! but you know what?..... I WON'T GIVE UP!!! This truly got me "pumped" up for my day! To God Be The Glory!! Love and Blessings!

  2. Cindy, I don't *know* you...but it was a blessed day when I found your blog! I just love you!

  3. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing...how encouraging! I needed that today!

  4. Your words come at such a time in my life... Such a great thing to repeat, repeat repeat, but you have to believe it as well!!! That is the rough part for me!

  5. with tears in my eyes......thank you, thank you, thank you........I so needed this right now!
