Friday, October 1, 2010

Feeling Frazzled??

Hey Friends!!

Happy Weekend to you!! First of all, thank you so much for praying for
my friend Brenda.

You have blessed me with your sweet words, prayers, and thoughtful comments. I'm planning to print off all your notes and make a little booklet to encourage her (thanks for the idea, Sally).

Also, thank you for your prayers regarding
the fires in my neighborhood. Thankfully there haven't been any new fires, however, other areas of the city have had similar garage fires, so perhaps the "serial arsonist" has changed neighborhoods? May the Lord help the police catch this person/s quickly!!

Personally, I don't know how you are doing, but I've had quite a week! I've been living FRAZZLED!

The week started off great! New ministry season! Many exciting fall speaking engagements to prepare for. Fun times with friends scheduled. A date night with John planned for the weekend. My house was clean and my family healthy. Woo Hoo!!

Of course, I should have known the enemy would be waiting to rob me of my joy! (Did you know the original Greek Word for "steal" in
John 10:10 is "klepto"! I feel like my joy and peace was very subtly stolen, just like a wallet out of my back pocket!)

Suddenly rather than the blessings, all I could see was the "mess" all around me.

Wounds opened. Hurt feelings.

Cancelled plans. Disappointed.

Hurting friends. Feel helpless.

School papers piled everywhere. Buried in paper clutter.

Missing camera...still.

Missing set of CD's I really want to listen to (how do we keep losing everything???)

3 new talks to give in 2 days. Overwhelmed.

Knocked over garbage can, thanks to my dog ~again. Trash everyone. Coffee grounds in our home office's newly cleaned, off-white carpet.

A huge list of notes to send, e-mails to write, packages to mail.

Weary and exhausted. Frazzled.

You get the drift??!! :)

Have you ever been there before??

I went to "my new office" yesterday at church and fell asleep, head down on the table, while I should have been writing.

"I've got nothing left to give, Lord, nothing left...." was my prayer.

After my nap, I left determined that I would not allow the enemy to rob anymore from me! This "mess" was not my burden to carry. I was choosing joy, I was choosing peace, I was choosing life!!!

Today's devotion was so fitting from my Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. It really spoke to me! My hope is that it will minister to you as well...

Worship Me only. I am King of kings and Lord of lords, dwelling in unapproachable Light. I am taking care of you! I am not only committed to caring for you, but I am also absolutely capable of doing so. Rest in Me, My weary one, for this is a form of worship.

Though self-flagellation has gone out of style, many of My children drive themselves like racehorses. they whip themselves into action, ignoring how exhausted they are. They forget that I am sovereign and that My ways are higher than theirs. Underneath their driven service, they may secretly resent Me as a harsh taskmaster. Their worship of Me is lukewarm, becasue I am no longer their First Love.

My invitation never changes: Come to Me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest. Worship Me by resting peacefully in My Presence.

Today I am committing to resting in His care. I will live frazzled no more. The e-mails can wait. The dishes are not going anywhere. I am off to spend time with my Jesus ~ and I might even treat myself to a Starbucks on the way. I will rest in His Presence.

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. May your weekend be filled with many peaceful, life-giving moments!!


  1. Cindy, I love your vulnerability and honesty! Life is not always wonderful but we know who is the Giver of Life and is Wonderful. Thanks for helping us keep the focus. Blessings!

  2. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who gets frazzled. There are times where I think I have it all together, only to realize that I don't. Those are times I the Father is reminding me that it's not about me, but about Him and that I should surrender everything I'm doing to Him.

  3. I know that frazzled feeling well...and it normally happens on the weeks I think everything is under control...

  4. Oh, I needed that. Thank you for sharing! I don't want to live my life frazzled!

  5. Cindy, I SO understand that frazzled feeling - I seem to live there too often. You are so wise to turn to Jesus :-) Read Psalm 143: 8-10 (NIV) and I pray it will be a blessing. Love you, Jenny C.

  6. Hi! Cindy, Welcome to (I think) every woman's world. Ha-ha! Oh! yes; not only being everyone's caretaker is not enough, Satan has to move in quickly and steal our Joy!! No! Way!! God says this......
    {THE BATTLE IS NOT YOURS, IT'S GOD'S}2nd Chron.20:15. I just love that:). Have a wonderful, restful wk-end:)

  7. Oh my...didn't I take a deep breath as I read that devotion? AND you reminded me that I have that very Devotional here at home, tucked away, unopened. Thank you, thank you...I feel like I've been given a gift this morning!

    I'm so sorry you had a frazzled week - but tickled PINK (my favorite color!) that you found your JOY*JOY*JOY (and I'll bet it was right where you left it, wasn't it? Because that's always where I end up finding mine, oddly enough!).

    Here's to no more frazzles, frizzies (it's been a week of nothing but rain and high humidity here in Virginia!) or fires (anywhere of any kind!)...!

  8. Oh, don't you just love Sarah Young's Jesus Calling. I use that daily too and more times than not, it speaks straight to my heart. An awesome post, thanks for sharing!

  9. How easy it is to take God for granted. We know HE is ALWAYS there, so as we race around in circles, He gets shoved off to the theater seat! Your title caught my eye, as we are doing a study on "The Frazzled Female" by Cindi Wood. The subtitle is "Finding Peace in the Midst of Daily Life"
    You have given us a great reminder that we are to "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you" Matthew 6:33
    Have a blessed week! :)

  10. Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my post if you do!

    I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.

