Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ordinary Days?

Hey friends!!!

A few months ago I came came across this quote in a parenting magazine...

"The best bit of wisdom I received from my mother was really quite simple: children need ordinary Tuesdays....."

This quote made me think...Am I giving my children ordinary Tuesdays?? Or are days jammed full with "stuff to do"??

What does an ordinary Tuesday look like for us?? What are the everyday activities that form our simple little life?

Well, it's not Tuesday today, but here's a sneak peek into our Ordinary day today...

1. I spent the morning making a meal to deliver to my good friend Lindsey.

(Here is a pic of my sink when finished, I should have taken a picture of the meal ~ it looked much nicer than a sink full of dishes ~ sorry!)

2. I went and helped in Benj's 3rd grade classroom. (Here's Benj and his awesome teacher, Mrs. Pluymert!)

3. My dog Rocky and I drove out to Belmont, Michigan to deliver the meal. Of course, there happened to be a Starbucks on the way.... :) And then Rocky was tired and needed a nap.

4. We had Tea Time...and then they were off!!!

5. Benj went with Grandpa Bultema to hockey.

6. Jake had football practice.

7. Amanda took over my office to play Webkinz.

8. Sarah had Bible study in her bedroom with her friends.

9. And last but not least, we're having leftover Tuesday's Tacos for dinner!!

So there's a "sneak peek" into our ordinary day....although I must admit ~ I have a hard time thinking any day is "ordinary".
You know me...any ordinary day is an opportunity to celebrate our extraordinary God and the gift of life He's given to us!!

What does an ordinary Wednesday look like for you?? How did you spend your day?? I hope it was Wonderful!! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. May God bless you with a fresh measure of His love, joy and peace!!


  1. hey there friend... loved your post today... my computer is not working well these days so when i get to read a post with out my computer shutting down and giving me what computer people call "the blue screen of death" it is a good day...

    just today, we had a very ordinary day... one in which we set the "to do" lists and "places to be" on the back burner and had an afterschool snack and headed out to play outside... yes, play... saved the homework, the reading, and skipped out on the place to be tonight so we could just play. ordinary days are so good for the soul... everyone needed it! we came back in for an ordinary dinner all together around the table... now we are off to fulfill the school responsibilities and mom gets a minute to catch up on email... the "ordinary" break was wonderful! great post friend...

    much love to you...

  2. I think (especially these days with all of the extra curricular activities) that the kids need a "Just Play Day"....just to be kids! Sometimes with all of our busyness we forget to let them simply play! :)

  3. Sounds like a fun day! My kids are real little so we hangout for the most part. The weather is getting a tad cooler in the mornings so I have been taking them to the park (we are usually locked in during the summer months). Luckily there is a park right behind my favorite Starbucks! YAY!!!!

  4. I loved this!! I like that you included a picture of the dishes, because THAT is ordinary life, you know? My husband has to balance me (and thankfully, I have learned how to let him :)...) because I think life is so fun I always want to be DOING SOMETHING!! But it's great to have non-eventful days and just to life life. Kids need that. We all need that!

  5. Bible study on her bedroom... that is so neat! My 6th grader and her friends have made a pact to meet before school for bible study. It does this mom's heart good as I am sure your daughter's devotion does to you.

  6. we have "Chocolate Milk Tuesdays" at our house. :-)
