Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Sad, Sad Day

Many, many years ago, the Lord brought a very special friend into my life ~ Brenda Steinmeier.

I was working as the Children's Director at
Mars Hill Bible Church when I hired Brenda as our Nursery Coordinator. Little did I realize that Brenda would not only be a co-worker, but a lifelong friend and sister in the Lord.

Over the years, we've experienced many of life's joys together. Brenda and her husband Tim watched me get married. I was there when she went on bedrest and then had baby Abigail. She was there when I had a baby, and then she had a baby, and then I had a baby and another baby. :) (You get the drift ~ smile)

Brenda was a part of our "original" Bible Study, and we've enjoyed many, many hours praying together, in the Word, and enjoying fun, friend times together.

Our husbands are also good friends, and our families have journeyed together through unemployment/job changes, many "taco nights", church changes, moving of houses, marriage "bumps", health concerns and so much more. Brenda and I have extended much grace to one another, and watched God take two very different women and shape their hearts into a beautiful, lifelong friendship.

Earlier this spring, Brenda received the shocking news that her sister (Brenda's very best friend) died very unexpectedly at home. As you can imagine, the loss for Brenda and her family was enormous. Our Bible Study girls rallied together to pray, bring meals, and help in any way we could. It was an extremly painful time for Brenda and her family.

Over the past few months, I've cried many tears with Brenda as she started living her "new normal" ~ life without her sister/best friend. The journey through grief is never easy, is it?

I've had the opportunity to share what I learned through my own loss when my fiance was tragically killed. But most importantly, I've had the privilege to journey closely with my good friend as the Lord very slowly has been bringing comfort to her broken heart.

This past 4th of July was especially difficult, and I was thankful our families could spend time together, as well as her mom. (Here is a picture I took at the fireworks of Brenda's family and her mom).

Monday morning I was home working on my computer, putting the finishing touches on my message, "Navigating through Life's Interruptions". When the phone rang, I was not prepared for the news I would receive. Earlier that morning, Brenda's mom Nancy had unexpectedly passed away in her sleep.

Talk about a Life Interrupted.

I have been wrestling big time with the Lord over this one. "Really, Lord?? Really?? Brenda just lost her sister this can You take her mom?? Lord, how is she going to make it through the holidays?? Oh Lord, Brenda and Nancy were so close. This just seems like too much for her to bear......" I have wept openly before the Lord, and feel so "helpless" as a friend.

If I was the author, this is not how I would write the story.

But, of course, I am not....He is ~ and I must remember God does know what He is doing ~ and that in the midst of this shock, pain, grief, and tragedy, He is there.

Friends, may I please ask that you would pray for Brenda and her family during this very difficult time??

May the Lord provide much comfort and peace, make His presence so known to them all, and may He reveal His goodness and His grace in the midst of this sad, sad time.

Matthew 5:4

God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. I thank God for you.
In His Great Love,


  1. Beautiful post, Cindy. I'm praying with you for our sweet friend.

  2. Hi Cindy, I am very sorry for your friends loss. Two years ago I had 6 of my family members all pass away within months of each other. It was a very difficult time but yes God does have a plan for everything. I know the hurt you feel as a friend and I am sorry she is hurting. God will comfort her and heal her in time. Your friend will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    God Bless!

  3. I'm sorry for this loss, but the Lord always knows what He is doing, as you've already mentioned. I'll be praying for her, and there is no telling what the Lord will do with this.

  4. Oh Cindy,

    I'm so very sorry for the loss of Brenda's sister and Mom. I'm in tears just reading your heart...

    As I sit here praying and preparing to lead the Jonah Bible Study tonight at church, I was thinking about life's interruptions which we are to view through the lenses of divine interventions in the study and then I find myself here, on your blog, when I had stopped blog reading for the day and here is this very tender and painful time for your dear sweet friend Brenda and her family and my first thought was is this is one of the most painful types of life interruptions -- the loss and grieving of a loved one especially when you've had to say goodbye without warning. I experienced that twice (1990 Grandma, 1994 my baby brother who was 23 at the time); I was prepared for Grandpa in 2007 because he was 91 and was ready to go to the LORD as he was not well and even still all three persons I've released to GOD sooner than my heart could almost bare.

    Life interruptions -- divine interventions... all I know is that GOD is in it and His ways and plans are not ours therefore I may not understand it but I trust HIM and His love for us; all of us and as such I'm praying for the comfort and peace of GOD for your friend and her family.

    I'm praying the same for you. Love you.

  5. So sorry for Brenda's loss. She is lucky to have such a friend to share the deep waters of her heart with. I'll be praying for her and her family.

  6. ...sigh...

    Loss is never easy. And if we could prepare for a hundred years, we'd still never be ready to say goodbye.

    I will be praying for Brenda and her family and all those who loved Nancy. May they draw nearer to the One Who offers true comfort.

    Just yesterday, during my quiet time, I came across this verse:

    Good people pass away;
    the godly often die before their
    But no one seems to care or
    wonder why.
    No one seems to understand
    that God is protecting them from
    the evil to come.
    For those who follow godly paths
    will rest in peace when they die.
    Isaiah 57:1-2

  7. Cindy,

    I returned this evening to say that our Bible Study class lifted up Brenda tonight in prayer before we left. 20 people were pressing in for her in addition to everyone on your blog and a host of others I'm sure. We are surrounding her and her family in prayer.

    Much love dear sister.

  8. I am so sorry for the loss of Brenda's sister and mom. How tragic, but I know that God is near the broken hearted, so I am praying He will hold her close during this time.

  9. My Mom passed away very suddenly almost two years ago and it took the wind right out of my sails. I can't imagine two close losses such as a sister and Mother in such a short time frame. But, I do know that the Lord always provides just what we need when we need it and he'll do just that for your friend.

    May He bring comfort and peace in the midst of this storm as only He can do.

    Abundant blessings to you!

  10. Cindy, I found out about you through Angela's Fearless Friday at Free Spirit Haven. I will most certainly be praying for Brenda and all her loved ones as well as you. Much comfort and peace. May He wrap His loving arms around all of you like a warm blanket and reveal His love in even deeper ways than ever before.

  11. I will be praying for this dear family.

  12. i found out through angie's fearless friday entry. i prayed for brenda and the rest of the family. i will be lifting her up again in prayer later. i know God knows about how brenda feels right now and He is there to comfort her.

  13. Will be praying for Brenda and her family as they mourn.

  14. Oh my heart goes out to your friend and as I read this heartfelt post I realized too that I know Brenda. She and I were once in MOPS together. To Brenda: "I am so sorry for this painful loss. I pray God will comfort you and bring to you and your family His peace that passes all understanding. May you find the ability to rejoice in the precious time you had with your mom & in the true beauty of her life. May you look to the future knowing that your mom, although no longer physically with you, continues to bless your life. With heartfelt sympathy, Denise Lynn Roberts"

  15. Hi! Cindy, Just got here; but I am praying for Brenda as we Speak! May the God of Peace Rule In Her Heart Today! You know we will never understand death on this side of Heaven, but we know for sure that God is Keeping Us~ With that "Amazing Grace". To God Be The Glory. In Jesus Name, I Pray! "Peace", for Brenda ~

  16. Oh...I am so sorry...of course I will offer up my prayers!
