Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thankful Thursday & What would you do if a reporter showed up at your door??

Hey Friends!

Happy Thankful Thursday to you!! What are you thankful for today??

My list is, family, great friends, new school year, John's job, football season, and so much more! However, after a month like we've had with the neighborhood fires (recap
here), I have to be honest ~ today I'm thanking God big-time for His protection and safety! Knowing that He is in control is what helps me sleep at night!

Also, you wouldn't believe what happened yesterday! I was in the house playing Trouble with my little Sarah. Benj and a friend were in our front yard playing football, and my other daughter had a friend over too. I was just minding my own business, having fun , when I noticed my neighbor was being interviewed by a reporter. I thought to myself, "Whew. I'm so glad that's not me."

(In case you didn't know, I loathe being videotaped. Watching myself on video after a speaking engagement brings out every insecurity in me. Thus the reason I was thrilled my neighbor was in front of the microphone and not me.)

However, the next thing I know, I see the reporter asking Benj if he could go inside and grab his mom. I thought, "Oh no. Please no." I was still in my smelly work-out shirt, no make-up, crazy curly wind blown hair, and still had absolutely NO DESIRE to be on TV.

What would you do??

I went outside, as requested, and the news reporter woman asked if she could ask me a few questions regarding the recent fires, as well as if I had a phone number for our community watch person. I said, "Let me grab that phone number for you."

I came in the house and started praying, "Oh Lord, I don't want to be on TV!! But, what do YOU want?? Look at me, Lord, I'm not dressed or ready ~ BUT....if it will bring YOU glory, I'll do it. Your will, Lord, not mine."

I put on some lip gloss, grabbed a sweatshirt (to cover up my workout shirt), headed outside with the phone number needed and a willing spirit to be used however. I answered the questions, and then spent the rest of the night PRAYING LIKE CRAZY that the interview would bring glory to God, and that if it was also accidentally destroyed in the editing room, that would be ok too. :)

OK True confession ~ after praying it would bring God glory, I also prayed that no one would see it if I looked fat (until my good friend reminded me I wasn't allowed to talk like that since I've declared my life is a Fat Talk Free Zone~ Thanks, Amy, I needed that reminder!)

Anyway, I peeked on the News 8 website shortly before the 11:00 PM news to see if there was a video clip. Although the video segment wasn't ready, there was a written copy of our time together. The title of the article ~ "One family refuses to live in fear".

And this quote from the article made me cry... "We talk about it openly," (Cindy) Bultema said. "We talk about where our hope and our trust is, and that we don't have to be afraid."

Thank You, Lord!! How I wish the article would have finished that sentence (as I shared our hope and faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ), but praise the Lord for even that sentence. It is true ~ in the midst of this craziness with a "serial arsonist" in our neighborhood ~ our hope and trust is in the Lord, and we do not have to be afraid.....and I'm so thankful for that promise today!! :)

You can watch the video clip here.

So there's a little recap of what's going on in my world today. How about for you?? Has God ever asked you to step out of your comfort zone?? How did you respond?? And what are YOU thankful for today?? I'd love to hear from you!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Blessings to you, dear bloggy friend!!


  1. Great post!! Isn't it just like God to make us squirm a little and then use us 'big time' to help spread the truth of the Gospel message!

  2. Cindy, thank you so much for sharing that clip. I got God bumps while watching it and started to pray for your community.

    I love what you stated..."We talk about where our hope and our trust is, and that we don't have to be afraid."

    I almost started to cry..that was SO glorifying to God and such a powerful witness I believe to your community to realize we serve a powerful God that when you place your trust in Him, will NEVER let you down...

    Blessings to you and yours. I will be adding you to my Fearless Friday post tomorrow.

  3. Cindy my husband and I prayed for you and your neighbors this morning when we did our devotion time together. That is so scary about all of the garage fires...but it is so good to place our hope in the Lord. Keep on trusting him.

    We pray that the fires will stop. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think!


  4. Cindy, I am so thankful you had the opportunity to share your trust in Christ, (even though it was cut from the video version) and now we can pray that God will use the words that were shared to touch someone's heart and thinking, somewhere out there!

    It's funny because when I saw it on the TV, my thoughts were how "beautiful, articulate and glowing" you looked and sounded....just as usual. Thank you for being a willing vessel!

  5. Awesome witness, sister!! Good for you for stepping out (literally!) in obedience...

    My Sweet Hubby and I were asked to videotape our testimony to be shared before our church's two services the Sunday we were baptized. Scary stuff - especially for me, the shy one! But I still (it's been more than 2 years now) hear from people about how our testimony impacted their lives...I'm so thankful that I didn't give in to fear! To God be all the glory!

  6. Hi! Cindy, just Praising God with you! I requested Prayer for your neighborhood on my blog this morning! God is so in control! and what an awesome God we Serve! Have a Blessed wk-end! Praying Always:)

  7. Hi Cindy. First I want to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog today. You made me smile :)
    I watched the video clip and praise God for the testimony you were able to give. You did a wonderful job and are a great example of putting our insecurities aside for the opportunity to give God the glory.
    I will continue to pray for your community and its' protection.

  8. Just watched the video clip. You did an awesome job speaking to the reporter! And you looked great! That's definitely NOT how I would have looked if a reporter came to my door unannounced! ha ha I would need a sack over my head! Looks you're instilling a good work ethic in your kids having them rake leaves! :)

    Hope there are no more fires! Mississippi
