Friday, September 10, 2010

My New Favorite Book & GIVEAWAY

Hello friends! :)

I am so excited for today's Book Review and Giveaway!

I was recently asked by Thomas Nelson Publishers to review Max Lucado's latest book, Outlive Your Life. I thought to myself, "Sure, I could give it a try. I like Max's writings."

(Side note: You should know, not everything that I review I recommend. If I don't give it two absolute thumbs up, I don't pass it along).

When Max's new book arrived, I was intrigued by the fun cover and the book's subtitle: You Were Made to Make A Difference. I picked up the book to skim through it, and was absolutely blown away. What a powerful, life-changing book! I couldn't put it down!

When John came home I shared,"OK, I have a new favorite book ~ you have to read it!" And guess what, John loves it too!!

Max writes, "These are difficult days in our world's history. 1.75 billion people are desperately poor, natural disasters are gouging entire nations, and economic uncertainty still reigns across the globe.

But you and I have been given an opportunity to make a big difference. What if we did?

What if we rocked the world with hope? Infiltrated all corners with God's love and life? We are created by a great God to do great works. He invites us to outlive our lives, not just in heaven, but here on earth. Let's live our lives in such a way that the world will be glad we did...."

Can I get an Amen?? What if we rocked the world with some hope?? Infiltrated all corners with God's love and life?! Count me in!!

You will love this book! It's classic Max Lucado ~ brilliant, easy to read but so very insightful, chocked full of beautiful word pictures, and jam-packed with hope, vision, and Truth. I think I'm stuffing lots of Christmas stockings with this book come Christmas.

And, I recently learned Max is donating 100% of his royalties from the Outlive Your Life book and products to World Vision and other ministries of faith-based compassion. Awesome!

Because I love passing along great, transformational, Truth~filled books to my readers ~ I would love to give a copy of Out Live Your Life, my new favorite book, to a blessed bloggy friend!

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

What is your current favorite book of 2010??

RULES: Starts today, Friday, September 10th and ends Tuesday, September 14th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Wednesday, September 15th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I can't wait to hear from you!! Have a GREAT weekend!!

Thanks for stopping by * She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you! :)

P.S. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received my copy of the book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. My favorite book that I read in 2010 is "One in a Million" by Priscilla Shirer. It was just what I needed at this time in my life. I'm glad to read your review of Max Lucado's book. He is so prolific in his writing.


  2. Good Morning Cindy, I Love Max Lucado books, He is my favorite writer. I am currently reading one of his books now. He writes like no one I've ever read. I ususlly cannot put them down, The first book I read of his was "God Came Near". It was wonerful! Thanks for the Sweet Blessing give-a way! Makes life Fun!:) Have a Happy Wk-end!

  3. I have never read a book by Max Lucado. My favorite book for 2010 is a devotional for teen girls called 'cherished' by Chandra Peele. I think I learned more than my 3 teenage daughters!

  4. Choosing to See, by Mary Beth Chapman....Such a good book:)

  5. I am currently reading American Midnight (Christian Fiction) by Brandon Barr. I have read half of it and it is super good.

    This Max Lucado book sounds really good. Enter me in the giveaway!

    (: Crissy (i am signed in under a friend's account)

  6. Hello to you, Cindy! My fav so far this year is "Jesus Calling" which is the devotional I got after you recommended it last year. It's a blessing. I did read Max Lucado's "Fearless" this summer in a book club and it was good too. I'd love to be entered in the drawing - thanks! God bless you and yours :-) Love Jenny C. email

  7. Hi Cindy. So far my favorite book this year is "Small Changes For A Better Life" by Elizabeth George. I love her books- so practical and encouraging.

  8. Hi Cindy. So far my favorite book this year is "Small Changes For A Better Life" by Elizabeth George. I love her books- so practical and encouraging.

  9. Hmmm, so many books to choose from... Beneath a Southern Sky, christian fiction. Super good!

    I'm currently reading John Ortbergs Latest and it's really good too. "The me I want to be"

  10. Cindy, I have read so many good books this year and still have a list to purchase. But, currently, I am reading a book by Cindi McMenamin called "Women on the Edge." We all have what are called "sandpaper" people in our lives--challenging people who rub us the wrong way. But, this book is helping me see that I am not so easy to get along with either--ouch, and to get more desperate about desiring God and His change for my life, not my husband's or son's life or anyone else's life. Getting intentional about what God wants me to be about. That is my heart's desire. To focus on Him. Max's books are so good and the Jesus Calling, Jesus Lives are two books I've given as gifts many times.


  11. Hi,

    I have so many favorites I read in 2010. I do love Max Lucado books. So one of them I read and reviewed in 2010 is: `You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be`

  12. My favorite is Sparkling Gems from the Greek!
    Guess who told me about that! :)

  13. My favorite book of 2010 so far is....I honestly don't have one yet! I've read a lot but mostly secular fiction, and although I did enjoy it (most noteably the Harry Potter series), in the end it's still fiction and serves as more of way to relax, not a way to stretch and grow as a Christian.

  14. Okay - you've sold me! "Hope" is my inspirational word for 2010 and it was used twice in your post - once by Max and once by can I not read this book now? So whether I'm blessed by your blog giveaway or not, it's on my list of "to be read" books so thank you!!

    Hands down, my favorite book of 2010 has been a life-changing one for me...and I'm not even finished reading it yet! But the pages are dog-earred and many are turned down so that I can go back and re-read a passage (that's when you KNOW it's really, really good!!). I've blogged about it a couple of times and I'm sure I'll blog about it a few more times as well...It's called "Plan B: What Do You Do When God Doesn't Show Up The Way You Thought He Would" and it was written by Pete Wilson, the Pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN. I can't recommend this book enough!

  15. I've been reading through Deborah Raney's fiction, and loving them! I look forward to reading Mary Beth Chapman's new book!

    ropp dot 5 at wright dot edu

  16. I haven't been reading much lately, but just got back from a week long trip without any of my family. I read through the Duggar's book, 20 and counting. It was really good and very inspirational.

  17. I have seen this book on four different posts in the last few days so I think I better buy this one! :)

