Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm Home! ~ She Speaks Conference Update

Woo Hoo! What an amazing time I had at the Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference!

I have lots of fun highlights and insights to share ~ like I now know my calling (yippee!), I spent Saturday afternoon at Urgent Care (asthma related), and many amazing things I learned from such a dynamic group of women.. ~

But unfortunately... I came home to a horribly sick husband Sunday night (after flight delays and luggage back-ups), and was woken up early Monday morning by my son Benj who started throwing up. Jake came downstairs as I'm rubbing Benj's back (while he's throwing up) and said, "Welcome home, Mom! Welcome home!"

Needless to say, the insights will have to wait...but I couldn't resist sharing a quick photo recap...

Here I am with my dear friend Julie getting ready to head from Grand Rapids, Michigan to Charlotte, North Carolina.

Once we arrived at the conference, I had the opportunity to connect with many friends ~ like Julie Sanders from
Come Have A Peace.

Julie and I have been "blog friends" for quite some time now, so it was a huge highlight to actually share a meal together! She is every bit as sweet as I knew she would be! And, Lord willing, I'll see her again this November ~ I've been invited to share at her church in Knoxville, TN. Woo Hoo!

I enjoyed meeting Marie (shown below on far right) ~ who attends my home church in Grand Rapids (although we've never met prior to the conference!). Now I can't wait to see her again ~ this time in Michigan!

It was a blessing to meet Lisa from
Glad Chatter. We've been on-line friends for over a year now ~ what fun to finally chat (and to hear of her clean bill of health)!

Another highlight was meeting with author Mary DeMuth. She shared great wisdom and insights to help me with my book project. Thanks, Mary!

I loved getting to know Stephanie
from North Carolina! We were introduced prior to the conference via Facebook by Becky Turner (a friend who lives in Houston, Texas!).

Don't you just love the Kingdom of God??!!

In the picture below, I am with my "home" girls....the new friends I shared many meals with at our "home base" ~ while we heard from speakers Lysa TerKeurst, Beth Moore, Angela Thomas, and Karen Ehman. Trust me, these gifted speakers know how to "bring it!". Powerful stuff!! :)

And then lastly, here's a picture of me at the end of a very long day, holding my speaker's evaluations. I made it through 2 critiqued presentations, and was still smiling! :) Thank you for praying me through!

My speaker evaluation time was actually pretty fun! I loved getting to know my group leader Micca Campbell and the other 11 talented women from all across the United States! What an amazing opportunity!!

Well, dear friend, if you have made it to the end of this post, bless you!

Now that I've shared my weekend, I'd love to hear from you! Won't you please share one of your weekend highlights?? I'd enjoy hearing what you have been up to!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! May your day be filled with much joy, laughter, and peace-filled moments!

Blessings to you!
P.S. If you're looking for some great summer reading, I have lots of great books to GIVEAWAY this week ~ including authors Priscilla Shirer, Sheila Walsh, and Lisa Welchel! Stay tuned!


  1. Wow, you are getting to the conferences. Tell me how is this one different than Speak Up? (By the way, you look beautiful in all the pics!I'm loving the shimmery blue top! ;)) I am going to check out the sites from the ladies you mentioned in this post. And I would love for your comments on my current blog post. I am looking for feedback on topics to cover in future posts. Thanks so much, and hope you are feeling better! Maurie@ GraciousInteriors.blogspot.com

  2. great recap, cindy! love that picture of us--all your pictures are great. Amazing to see all that the Lord did in those 3 days...Truth that will transcend the rest of our lives. Praise Him.

    So glad to have the treat of lunch with you precious Sisters, too. What a cool connection the Lord ordained thru Becky!

  3. How wonderful! I am so happy to know everything went well at the conference. I am sorry to hear about the flight delays and sick family.

    I can't wait to read more about your calling! How exciting!!!

  4. Cindy... Meeting your sparkling self in person was a highlight of my weekend! I just love you even more now =)

    I can't wait to hear all about your weekend and what God did in you. For today, I pray health, health, health over your family and strength, rest and peace for your hearts.

    Much love,

  5. Oh so sorry to hear about the illnesses ... :/ But one of the definite highlights of my weekend was breakfast with you! Yes, the kingdom of God is amazing, and it was so sweet to get to be "together" after friendship over the web. Wow ... heaven is going to great. :)

    I want to hear more about that calling ...
