Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Works for Me Wednesday: Prayer Guide (and GIVEAWAY)

One of the areas I'm most passionate about in life is PRAYER.

Unfortuanately, this hasn't always been the case. As many of you know, I didn't become a Christian until the age of 26. (Finally after years of poor, self destructive choices I gave my life to Jesus in 1996! You can read more about it here.)

My heart for prayer really began to grow in 1999. I was asked to accept a job leading a large ministry at an area megachurch. I knew that God would have to show up BIG TIME or it would be a huge disaster!

I read every book on prayer I could, studied prayer Bible passages, and most importantly, I began to pray. A lot! I cried out to God, "Teach me how to PRAY!" And you know what?? He answered those prayers (in abundance)...and continues to grow me in my prayer life today!

A powerful tool that has really shaped my prayer life is my Prayer Guide.

The Prayer Guide I use was designed by an amazing ministry called
Walking with Him. My favorite part is that the Prayer Guide may be personalized with photos, prayers and mementoes. It has become the story of my journey with God!

For example, there is a section of the Prayer Guide on Thanking God. This part of my journal is filled with things I am grateful for (a picture of me getting baptized in 1999, family & friend pics, etc..).

I also fill the pages with answers to prayers. In the picture below you can see the SOLD sign when our house sold - in less than 2 months! - and lots of post-it notes of answered prayers. It is a perfect visual reminder of how good God is and His faithfulness in answering prayer!

I also have a whole section of my Prayer Guide where I pray for myself and others. The pages are filled with photos of family and friends (this is where I put the pictures I receive at Christmas). I usually sit with a stack of index cards and/or post-it notes, and pray specifically for others (and then slide the index card behind their picture). If a friend sends an e-mail and asks me to pray for something, I print it off, pray, and then slide it behind the picture.

This picture below shows my page for John. On the left I have a download of
31 Days of Praying for Your Husband. On the right are pics of me and John, and then post-it notes with specific prayers. (Can you see the top right post-it note?? It has prayers from my little Sarah. She loves to sit with me as I go through my Prayer Guide and help me pray for all of our family and friends! :))

Another example below. These are the pages I pray for my kids. I love being able to look at their precious faces as I pray for them! One resource I use when praying for my kids is 31 Biblical Virtues. You can see more prayers below from Sarah. Praying that her sister would be nice :)

I also have a section where I pray specifically for family/friends/acquaintances who do not know Jesus. What a blessing to watch God work in their lives ~ and then be able to move their picture from the "Far from God" section to the "Thank God" section when they come to know Jesus!

I could go on and on...but it is easier to understand when you try the Prayer Guide yourself. Years ago I asked the dear women at Walking with Him if they'd like to donate a Prayer Guide for me to giveaway. They are so amazing ~ they've now given me almost 10 Prayer Guides to share over the past two years (at $35 each that's pretty generous!!)

Imagine my delight when the mailman arrived at my door yesterday with another Prayer Guide to giveaway. Woo Hoo!! THANK YOU Jennifer and Lara!!

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win a Prayer Guide??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Wednesday, August 4th and ends Sunday, August 8th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of August 9th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I'll close with a quote from one of my favorite authors in the whole world...Corrie TenBoom.

"Prayer is powerful! The devil smiles when we make plans. He laughs when we get too busy. But he trembles when we pray!"

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a Wonderful, joy~filled Wednesday!!!

P.S. For more Works for Me Wednesday tips, head on over to visit Kristen at We are that Family. You'll be so glad you did! :)


  1. I would love the prayer guide!!!

    Stop by

  2. I would love to have the prayer guide to help keep me more focused during my prayer time. I have kept a prayer journal, but would love to see this and try it out!

    stop by and see me at

  3. I follow "she sparkles"

  4. I added your button to my blog at

  5. I would love the prayer guide, I e-mailed you as well to tell you why I would love the prayer guide.

  6. A Prayer Guide?! That would be wonderful! Please count me in for these 3 reasons:
    1. I just finished teaching my first Bible Study on Intercessory Prayer for a group of friends last month. I would love to implement some of the strategies through a prayer guide. I already have a "praise box" that sits in our home where we record and keep God's miracles in our life (and read them on New Year's Eve), but this would be something tangible to use everyday.
    2. Also, I just posted a blog on "running a little empty" at so this would be an answer to my own prayers of "filling up."
    3. I am teaching Awana 7th & 8th grade girls for the first time this school year and we are preparing to have them create prayer journals this coming year and I would love to have an example to share that I am using myself.

    Love your giveaways!

  7. What a great prayer notebook! My prayers could use an organizational system!! Thanks for the gracious comment that you left on my blog!

  8. My extra entries include:

    - follow She Sparkles.
    - finally subcribed. :)
    - left a comment.
    - reposted to my FB wall.
    - linked blogs.

    That about covers my techno-know how! LOL! :)

  9. WOW! I just posted on FB why I thought todays Post Title jumped out at me. I wondered aloud if this might be the sort of thing I was trying to put into words and INDEED it is! I long to bring more of my creative side into my prayer life and also to create something that would allow me the opportunity to review my prayer journey / spiritual journey down the road. I imagine this prayer guide helps one to see more clearly God's teaching ones life as you look back at how it all unfolded around you. Wow, Cindy, another generous give-a-way ... any one of us would be blessed to win!

  10. I would like to win because I think it would be a great way to be organized. I saw your photo of answered prayers and seriously got chills. I know that God answers my prayers but I also easily forget that when I'm in the moment of despair. What a great giveaway!

  11. I would love a prayer guide because I think it would help me stay focused, I love organizational items and, mostly, because it would be a visual remembrance to myself and my family of God's faithfulness and how He know best for our lives. I would love the idea of the generations to come, if the Lord should tarry, having a visual remembrance of God's work in our lives. Like the Israelites of the Old Testament using the rocks to build their altars of remembrance or the blood on the doorpost at passover.

    Cindy, I've also become an "official" follower (although I've been following for months now), subscribed and tweeted--not bad for a 50-something year old woman. I have no blog to share your button on, however.

    Any of us would be blessed to receive this guide, as we are blessed reading your blog!!

  12. I would love a prayer guide to help me organize my requests. With my hubby, 7 children and some significant others, family...I sure could use the help!
    Suzanne G.

  13. I would love to have this prayer guide. Recently I have been looking for a book on prayer. I want to be better at prayer. I love being organized so this looks great!

  14. You know that I already won one of those prayer guides and have so loved it and love sharing it. Scripture Dig just started a series on prayer, and I'm going to send my gals over here next week to revisit this great visual, Cindy, of how you use your prayer guide. Thank you for sharing it, and thanks for praying. :)

  15. I want to know more and more about having a deeper prayer life, I've already seen great things happen by fasting and praying, and I'd love to have the prayer guide give me another insight on having a deeper prayer life.

  16. I would love to win the prayer guide! I have started to make my own prayer journal several times, only to end up frustrated and never finishing. This would be a great answer to get me past the frustration and actually praying with organization! I've never seen one where you put pictures in....awesome!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  17. You know how I love organizational systems!! I could really use one of these as my thoughts are often scattered during prayer time. I think it would help me focus much better. :-) I already follow you, already subscribe, I have your link on my site, but have no idea how to 'grab your button'. I can tweet about it if I can figure it out. I'm a new tweeter... but I have to be honest, I've got 2 followers...haha! I'm never on there, but I will give it my best shot. Enjoy your day Cindy.

  18. I would like to have this so that I can pray better. Some times my mind wonders off after a start a prayer. I start thinking about the person or thing I am praying for and before I know it, I have wondered off to a different subject and don't fill like I completed my conversation I started with God. This could help me in that department as well as so many others.
    savingmomssanity at gmail dot com

  19. I follow you.
    savingmomssanity at gmail dot com

  20. I have such a hard time with prayer and staying on task...this would be great and help me keep track of who I want to pray for and the outcome!

  21. Hi Cindy :-) I would love to win the prayer guide giveaway because as much as I believe in the awesome power of prayer, I wish I could "get it together" in my personal prayer life. I'm so thankful the Lord still loves me and hears me despite my scattered prayers. Thanks for all your encouragement as always! Love, Jenny C.

  22. Would love to win a prayer guide and have a place for focused prayer and reminders of answered prayer!

  23. O.K. it's almost 9:00 pm but here goes... I would love a prayer guide and an instructional session too! You have taught me so very much about prayer my friend... i remember years ago talking with you about praying out loud in front of people ~ oh you are such an encourager and have so much wisdom to share! Thank you friend!

    So, here is my entry. I subscribe and follow your blog (of course)

    blessings to you. amy h. :)

  24. I am totally struggling with my prayer life. It is hard to admit as a minister's wife! It seems that life get's so busy with ministry that I forget to talk to the Architect and then I wonder (foolishly) why things are not going well.

    I honestly believe this would help.

    Thank you for your blog - I just found it off of Scripture Dig.

  25. Hi Cindy;
    I'd love to get a prayer guide!
    I've been trying to get my prayer notebook/journal organized for ages. I especially love the index card idea and slipping them in behind the photos!
    I'll be sharing ideas like this when I go out speaking and in my church women's ministry.
    Deb Eckmier

  26. I have eight children and need all the help I can get with organizing. This looks like a big helper in that dept. :)

  27. What an awesome idea! I came to your site through Scripture Dig! This is an area that I struggle with! Going to follow you after I hit send!
