Saturday, May 15, 2010

When you don't understand His ways....

"When you don't understand His His heart."

Hello dear friends!

Happy Weekend to you!! I wish I could tell you I've had a fantastic week, but the truth is I'm struggling.

The circumstances of my life seem overwhelming (when I look at them from my perspecitive) ~ recap here, and the craziness of May (spring sports, school activities, etc..) and little "life irritations" (like my e-mail not working again!) ~ have made for an exhausting week.

During challenging seasons like this, here are some of the things I've learned to do... (although sometimes easier said than done!)

1. Cling to the Word

I've been clearing my schedule and spending extended time renewing my mind with the Truth of God's Word. During this difficult time, I must focus on TRUTH and not just what "I feel".

I'm carrying my verse cards with me everywhere, listening to Scripture memory CD's in the van, and spending my nights watching Beth Moore DVD's. I must allow Truth to penetrate my heart and mind.

Psalm 119:28 ~ "My soul is weary...strengthen me according to Your Word."

2. Fill my life with good, healthy things

I've been especially careful about what I eat and drink, getting enough rest, etc. I am learning it is not selfish to focus on my own "self~care"....especially so I can be healthy and whole for my husband and kids.

I am trying to be intentional about how I am filling my schedule, and sensitive to what my spirit, soul, and body really needs.

3. Ask for help.

This area is especially hard for me. I was a single mom for 6 years, so it is easy for me to slip into the "independant, head strong, work hard" role.

I am learning during this season of our "new normal" to lean hard on the Lord, as well as close friends around me. My dear friends are so sweet to ask how I'm doing (really), and I'm trying hard to not just say, "great!", but to pause and answer from the heart.

Most importantly, God is my ever present help in time of need (Psalm 46:1). I am focusing on sharing my heart openly and honestly with Him every moment of the day. He sees, He hears, and He is concerned.

4. Keep things in perspective.

As many of you know, I've had horrible e-mail trouble. I thought it was fixed, and then this week I realized personal e-mails are not arriving to me. AHH! This little challenge could push me over the edge.

To think that someone has e-mailed me and I'm not responding breaks my heart. Or to hear that a church e-mailed me this week to speak at their MOPS group and I've never received it could make me tense and worrried. My girl friend just called and said, "Did you get that long e-mail I sent you last night??" Nope. Yet I still receive junk mail. Lord help me!!

So, I remind myself to look at this from a Kingdom perspective. Our God is bigger than my e-mail. Hopefully if someone sent me a note and they don't hear from me, they'll try again (or call me like my girl friend). I trust the Lord will work out the details. I am not in control, only God is, and until we figure this "kink" out ~ I choose to trust Him. I must lean on Him. I will not allow e-mail to steal my joy. (OK, I better say this one or two more times...I choose to trust Him, I must lean on Him...)

And lastly, Mary Swierenga, my dear Bible Mentor, often reminds me...

5. "When you don't understand His His heart."

Our God is faithful, true, good, loving, and bigger than we could ever think or imagine! He is our Provider, Protector, and the Giver of all good things! Today I am choosing to think on Him and believe Him for everything that I need. I may not understand His ways right now, but I choose to trust Him wholeheartedly! He knows what He is doing!!

How about you?? Where does this post find you today?? How have you learned to journey victoriously through challenging seasons?? I'd love to hear from you!!

I hope my post didn't discourage you today. My commitment is to always "be real" with you. Sometimes life is just hard...but yet, God is always good. I hope you sense that in my writing today.

Have a peace~filled, life-giving weekend! May the Lord bless you with a fresh measure of His presence, peace, and inexpressible joy!!

You are significant to Him...significant to me! Thank you for stopping by *She Sparkles*!!

P.S. As promised, here are pics from my 40th Birthday Roller Skating Party...

It was a GREAT day filled with fun, food, fellowship, and 120+ of my favorite friends! A HUGE note of thanks to everyone who helped celebrate my birthday! What a blessing! :)


  1. No! Cindy this is not discouraging at all. It is real & you are offering some great advice. I've gone through many interesting challenges since recently stepping into the role of women's ministry director at my church. At the same time it is that crazy busy spring time w/ the kids like you mentioned. God reminded me that He is working on my character & strengthening me for the calling according to His plans in this!

    He usually doesn't give a whole bunch of burning bush type of directions, does He? He usually shows us just what we need to know in order to protect us, so that we will learn how to live completely dependent on Him & not the world or anyone or thing in it.

    Blessings to you sweet friend!

  2. I'm in your club today. :) My hubby is very ill on a totally different continent where the government is on the brink of collapse. My stomach feels like a big empty space, and I am really working to keep my mind on the Lord, His sufficiency, and all the reasons I have to praise and thank and trust Him. I am praying for you, too, sweet Cindy!!!!

  3. Amen, "life is hard...but God is good". I can all too well relate to your struggle and I found this post very encouraging and uplifting. ((hugs)) Wonderful pictures from your birthday party!!!

  4. I've been going through a difficult time. We are losing our house. I am learning to trust and to choose joy. Thank you for this!

  5. What beautiful truths that create a great lifestyle for anything we are going through!!

    Love the roller skates... did you couple skate to Survivor or Night Rider??

    Keeping you close in prayer,

