Friday, May 7, 2010

Faith~Filled Friday

Can I just tell you, dear bloggy bless me more than you know! After sharing of my husband John's recent job loss (recap
here), I've been blown away by your support, encouragement, and prayers! I am so grateful, and John has appreciated all of your comments too! You are the best! :)

It's been an interesting week adjusting to our "new normal". I now realize how accustomed to "my" routine, "my" computer time, "my" kitchen space, "my" daily schedule, etc.. I am. This "dying to our self" stuff isn't fun (or easy) ~ but I am experiencing God's grace, strength, patience, and peace in unbelievable ways! Thank you for praying me through!! I'm pleased to say our marriage is great and stronger than ever!

We've also started a new "Bultema family Blessings journal". My hope is to record how we are experiencing God's goodness and provision in the midst of this difficult season. May I share some recent journal entries with you??

Here are some of the many ways we've been blessed since John lost his job 9 days ago...

* John's friend stopping by on the night John was let go to pray with John, listen, and encourage him

* The next day, a dear friend bringing me a latte & Starbucks gift card to remind me God will not only take care of all of our needs, but some of our wants too (Bless you, A.H.!)

* Licorice left on the front porch with notes of encouragement (I'm so glad you printed your e-mails...I was missing some....AHHH!)

* A relative covering all of our May living expenses. What a blessing and burden-lifter for us (especially John)!

* On a night when "my cup was especially empty", receiving a "Top 40 Reasons I love Cindy" e-mail. Ask John, the list made me Boo Hoo!! Thank you so much, J.S., I will treasure it forever!

* The comments, prayers, and notes of encouragement from you, my dear *She Sparkles* friends! Each one touched me! You have no idea how much you ministered to us this week. What a blessing!!

Years ago, when I was faced with very difficult circumstances (recap here), I realized that I had a choice. I could allow the tragedy I was experiencing to make me "bitter" or "better". I was choosing better!

My hope is that during this season of uncertainty and loss, once again, I will choose better! Today I choose to walk by faith, trusting that God has a good plan for our family, and that He will reveal Himself to us every step of the way. It may not be easy, and it may mean I need to learn to share (especially things like my computer ~ smile), but I trust that our Blessings Journal will be filled to overflowing with daily reminders of His care and concern for us.

What about for you?? How was your week?? On this Faith~Filled Friday, how have you experienced God's goodness?? I would love to hear from you!!!

Have a wonderful weekend filled with God's richest blessings!! You are so special to special to me!! Thanks for stopping by!

In His Great Love,

P.S. I'm so excited for my 40th Birthday Party this Saturday, May 8th! I could use a fun party! Hope to share pictures with you next week! :)


  1. Am praying with you and John, and I know those pages will be filled with good things. What joy!

    I am so thankful for God's protection and His peace, even when I could feel vulnerable and misunderstood or treated unfairly. He gives wisdom and confidence that He is just; I can leave my life in His hands.

    Have an awesome celebration of your life!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Looking forward to seeing the pictures.

    Thank you so much for the Starbucks gift certificates. I'm going to use my first one on Sunday. :-)

    I haven't been around blog land much the last two weeks so I didn't know until tonight that your husband was let go from his job but now that I do, I will be praying!!!

    Much love,

  3. What wonderful blessings during this trying time. ((hugs)) and praise to God. We spent yesterday at the unemployment office and I'm choosing better too!!

  4. I love when God sends the right people at just the right times. We never walk through hard times alone. Praying you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow! Welcome to the 40's club!

  5. Well, happy birthday & happy mother's day too Cindy!!!

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, CINDY - an awesome blessing to sooo many!!! I'm sure the Lord has great things in store for you, John, and your family in the coming year. For now, have a super fun PARTY :-) Love, Jenny C.

  7. Cindy,
    What FUN we had clebrating you at your party! I pray you had a JOY filled and restful Mother's day.

    Love you!

    p.s I figured the google thing out :)

  8. happy birthday and choosing better with you sweet friend.

  9. Hi Cindy,

    This is my first visit to your blog and already I have been so blessed.

    Our community is in the middle of coping the tragic loss of one of our own, a 22 year old in a car accident.

    Your comment of "better or bitter" really struck a chord with me. I choose to be "better".

    Praying abundant blessings on you and John through this difficult time.

    Thanks for encouraging me!And happy birthday!
