Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday's Top 5....

Tuesday's Top 5 Terrific Things I'm Thankful For!!!

What a crazy month May can be! Whew! In addition to ballet recitals, baseball games, spring league hockey, class field trips, gymnastics reviews and so much more ~

we're in the midst of discussing things like unemployment, losing our medical/dental insurance, and figuring out what in the world God has in store for our family. What a month!
Anyone else experiencing a little bit of craziness these days??

Now more than ever I am clinging to the words found in Hebrews 12:2

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith...

When I take my eyes off of Jesus, and look at the circumstances around me, I can easily get overwhelmed! For today, I will choose to look Up! I will focus on JOY and GRATITUDE! I will not allow my circumstances to get me down!!

So here are the Top 5 Things (of Many!) that I am grateful for this week....

1. Beth Moore Conference

My dear friend Julie gave me a ticket to see Beth Moore while she was in town this past weekend! Woo Hoo!! We had a blast! Julie and I stayed in a hotel right by the arena, and are pleased to share we opened Starbucks at 6:30 AM Saturday morning. (I'm also grateful to have a best friend that loves Starbucks as much as I do!!)
(Here we are at 6:45 AM waiting for the doors to the arena to open...)

And here's Beth teaching (standing in my section!!).....

As always, Beth's teaching was powerful and amazing! What a fabulous treat this weekend. Thanks, Julie!

2. Healthy Choices (aka weight loss!)

Even with all the craziness of life, I lost 2.4 pounds last week at my weigh in. Can I get a Woo Hoo? :)

3. John & our Gang

I just love my family so much! Tonight we celebrated Amanda's Awesome Achievement at gymnastics, enjoyed a special family dinner, and then finished off the night with a Bultema Family Kickball game. (I also am thankful to have had my son Jake on my team tonight! We (me, Jake, and Manda) beat the "others" (Benj, John, and Sarah) 10 to 9. What fun!!

I am so thankful for my family!! :)

4. Great Friends

What a blessing to journey alongside so many amazing, caring, fun women!! Even in the midst of difficult circumstances, they bless and encourage me, and fill my life with such JOY!

I love my standing appointments....like Tuesday's with Jill (here we are in my minivan today ~ note my new summer highlights ~ smile)....

and Thursday lunches with Jen, and late night Starbucks runs with Julie and MVP Monday's with Suz, not to mention all the FB friends that keep me smiling! I could go on and on....

And then there's the friends like Chellie who offer to come and cook dinner for me (thank you!)...

Today (and every day) I'm so thankful for the many amazing women God has brought into my life....

5. Amazing GRACE

I've been thinking A LOT lately about the transformation God has done in my life. I am in absolute awe of His faithfulness and grace! (Testimony here). Only God could rescue me from my life style of sin and rebellion, and then not only give me a "do-over", but restore me to health and bless me with strength, dignity, and a whole new reputation. Only God!!

I'm working on a book proposal for an opportunity this summer, so I've been reflecting on how THANKFUL I am for God's powerful work in my life. He is so awesome, isn't He??

(If you have a fun idea for a book title/sub title ~ I'd love to hear from you...hint hint!!)

Isn't GRATITUDE a beautiful thing?? No matter what I'm going through, I'm always encouraged when I sit and reflect on the many BLESSINGS that surround me!!

What about for you?? What are you Thankful for today?? I'd love to hear from you!!!

THANK YOU, dear one, for stopping by *She Sparkles*. May the Lord bless you and fill you with His fullness of *JOY*!!!


  1. It's funny that I post with others, and I was thinking that you do to, on Thankful Thursdays, but I just couldn't wait. My post was similar to yours, but not as well written.


  2. You are such a blessing! Such an inspiration to so many. I am thankful to get to know you more. I am thankful for my family who loves me unconditionally with all my flaws. :)

    Blessings, Heidi

  3. I'm always amazed about who God puts in your life when you need it. It sounds like the lovely ladies in your life are "spoiling" you at a time when you need spoiling.

    I'm excited about your "book". I can't wait to hear more. I'm think a good title would be "My Starbucks Venti is Overflowing" :P

  4. Much to be thankful for, sweet Cindy! How about "Something old, Something new" for a book title? I like the overflowing Venti idea, too! :)

  5. You are so right... much to be thankful for! Great post!
    I am so happy to find your blog! I am now a 'follower' and can't wait to read more of your posts!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    ~ melscoffeebreak.blogspot.com ~
