Monday, May 3, 2010

A Very Hard Place to Be

Hello friends! Happy May to you! I hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with God's richest blessings!!

I have a huge prayer request to share today. My dear husband John lost his job. Without going in to many details....John was called into his boss' office on Wednesday and let go, effective immediately. (There was no wrong doing on John's part, the company has just decided to restructure/go in a different direction).

Because John's only worked for this company a short time, he receives no severance package. John came home Wednesday very shaken, surprised, and overwhelmed.

Would you please keep us in your prayers? I am asking God to use me to be a voice of Truth, hope and encouragement to John. I am asking God to lead, guide, provide, heal and restore.

I am also asking for Him to protect our marriage and family (it's much different having someone home with me now during the day). I am reading and reflecting on the Proverbs 31 women, and asking Him to mold & shape me into the wife John needs during this difficult time.

Funny how God works..remember that Marriage Conference I was going to speak at?? A few weeks ago, I sensed I wasn't supposed to participate in the conference this season. I contacted the coordinators and regretfully declined the invitation. My exact words were "I sense I'm supposed to live the message, not write the message during this season".

Little did I know that God would use the prep time that I did for the marriage message to prepare my heart and mind for the very important role I have now in serving John. And thankfully, except for Monday nights, my schedule is now clear to love and serve my family with excellence.

Thank you for listening to this very personal prayer request. I will keep you posted as God reveals His purpose and plan in this "detour". We are trusting God to bring us through this very hard place VICTORIOUSLY!!

Have a wonderful week full of God's richest blessings! I'm preparing for my big "40th" birthday this weekend ~ and look forward to seeing how God will grow me in the days and weeks to come!!

Many blessings to you!!

P.S. Here are more winners from the *She Sparkles* Anniversary Celebration....

The winner of Beth Moore's Get Out of that Pit is Denise Lynn &
the Making Ordinary Days Extraordinary book will be sent to Renee. Thank you to all who entered and for helping celebrate the *She Sparkles* 1st Anniversary with me! Woo Hoo!!

I had one more GIVEAWAY planned (lots of great CD's from Seeds Family Music...but will wait a few days to post it. Please check back later this week. :)


  1. My heart is breaking for you. I'm praying that God will give you the strength to get through this time of trial and that He will lift you through.

    I'm sad that I won't be hearing you from during the marriage conference, but I completely understand. It is funny how God leads us to places we didn't know we'd be or even need.

  2. Oh Cindy, God bless you & John. I pray you will be a source of peace and comfort for you husband. I also pray you both are mantled with divine favor as God opens doors.

    Bless you!

  3. Praying for you, both. My husband lost his job in much the same way almost 2 years ago. He was able to begin drawing social security and retire early. However, this was NOT our plan. It has been a HUGE adjustment, but GOD has been faithful.
    Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

    PS: Yes, it was an adjustment having him with me 24/7. I love it, but in the same way it has created challenges for us both.

  4. Praying. and Happy Birthday.

  5. I will be praying for you both sweet sister. I know that has to be extremely hard for John, but for you as well. But I know that you will be sparkling for Him as you minister to your sweet fella.

  6. Cindy, I am so sorry. My husband was laid off work last June and still hasn't found good full-time work. Thankfully, the Lord continues to provide. I will be praying for your husband, you and the family. I know God will use you to encourage Him and speak into his life during this time.

  7. Praying for you and John in this difficult time. Please let me know if there's anything I can do {even if you just need to get out of the house and come over for coffee.}

  8. I so love your heart for God. Listening to the prompting of His Spirit and now understanding why. Holding you and your family in our prayers. God will provide!

  9. Will be praying for you! My husband was 'let go' 22 months ago and is stil interviewing! God has miraculously provided for our family, it has been such a time of blessing for us. Our 7 children have witnessed His provision up close and personal and have grown in Him so much. I will be praying for you and your family:)

  10. Dear Cindy, no doubt that God has been preparing for the crucial ministry of being your John's cheerleader during these hard days. I'm praying that Jesus will be the comforter and keeper and guide you both need right now and in hours to come. I appreciate your obedience and expect nothing less than God's blessing on you for it.

  11. I am praying, Cindy. I'm not very good with finding the right words to encourage someone during times like these, but know I am praying, okay? Love you!

  12. Sorry to hear of this difficult time, Cindy. May you both take every thought captive and compare it to the only truth that matters. Let us know if we can do anything for you during this time.

    Much love and hope for you.

    Jen, for Brian and I

  13. I will be praying for you and your family as you learn how to walk in this 'new normal.' I'm glad you shared because now we can lift you up in prayer!

  14. Cindy:
    I will be praying for you and your hubby, for specific guidance in the days ahead, and for God to give each of you His peace and courage. There are so many right now who are going through this same thing. There's no question that God will lead. Boy oh boy... when we open our mouths and speak truth like 'she sparkles'... He is GOING to find lots of ways for you to do just that... and you will!!

    Love & Hugs,


  15. Hey Cindy....I was blog surfing this evening and ran across you site. I'm following along with you now.

    I will be lifting you and your husband up in prayer - trusting that He covers you with His Peace and Comfort, Wisdom and Direction as you walk into your next season.

    He is Faithful!!

    Hugs and Sweet Blessings!

  16. Praying right now friend! His provision & protection are incredible & yes, we can trust Him!!! The God we serve is able... and He will!!!!! Dan 3:17

  17. Thank you for your words of encouragement on my blog today. I'm praying for your Husband and trust you will pray for mine. I wonder what God has in store for us...kinda exciting. Love you Sis (((hugs)))

  18. I am so sorry to hear this. I do understand right where you are at. I felt led by God two years ago to leave my job and work for myself allowing room for me to be a homemaker. 8 months later, my husband lost his job and was unemployed for 11 months. While this is a journey your family has to take on their own and learn the lessons God shows you, I will share that we learned the value of money, that material things are not of worth, that our faith in God only grew stronger. That He will always provide, that when there seems to be no hope, there is. And there will be a better opportunity to come along for your family. Remain strong in Christ. God Bless and I pray for your situation.

  19. I understand. I lost my job in March and we are doing okay but I need to find something in a few months b/c I have no insurance on me!

  20. Cindy, Me again. Wondering how you are. Going to miss coming to your big bash this weekend. Can't believe we're 40!! Hope you're doing okay. Tell John we love him and are praying for him.

  21. keeping you close in prayer sweet friend. very close. praying the Lord uses you and blesses your marriage in this time and provides a new job quickly! "Our God will supply all your needs according to the glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
    love you and looking forward to that coffee.
    lisa xoxo
