Thursday, March 4, 2010

What a fun SURPRISE! :)

It's time to CELEBRATE! Today marks the 1 year Anniversary of this blog ~ *She Sparkles*! Woo Hoo!!

I've had such a BLAST with my blog over the past year! I love sharing with others how awesome God is ~ while meeting new friends around the world!! I just love it!! I've had my creative wheels spinning, trying to think how to "mark this moment" and celebrate with you ~ my devoted bloggy friends. But guess what??... you beat me to it! Today I received a special gift from you!!

Yep...imagine my surprise and delight to learn that *She Sparkles* received one of ten "Joyful Among Us Blog" awards in the Blessed Aroma
Top 100 Christian Women Blogs from 2009 hosted by Internet Cafe.

Most Joyful Among Us Blog ~

This gal always sees her coffee cup “half full” and the joy just pours out of her site. Her joyful attitude is what keeps you coming back for more!

Wow~ I am very humbled and blessed by this award. I started this blog as a way to share with others the amazing work God has done in my life ~ and hopefully encourage and inspire others on their daily journey!! I definitely didn't set out to win any awards! But to know that *She Sparkles* is helping to spread more *JOY* in the world blesses me more than you know!

I humbly accept this award with much gratitude to the Lord for His miraculous work in my life (if you've not heard of the pit God rescued me from ~ I just typed out my testimony here). To God alone be the Glory!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have an amazing, fun~filled, life giving weekend!! :)

With much gratitude~

P.S. Don't worry ~ I'm still thinking through how to mark my 1 year Anniversary!! Do you have any fun ideas?? I'd love to hear from you! :)


  1. How exciting! Congratulations Cindy!

  2. Congratulations Cindy! When I think of She Sparkles, I definitely think of JOY! ... joy because of God's great work and its overflow in you. It has been a JOY to be your blog friend this year ... what a treat of 2009.

    To celebrate? Hmmm.... I haven't "gone here" myself, but how about celebrating with your first "vlog"? I think it would be your first ...

    Have a joy filled, HEALTHY ;) weekend!

  3. I started this blog as a way to share with others the amazing work God has done in my life ~ and hopefully encourage and inspire others on their daily journey!!

    Yes,,,amen girl!!

    congrats on being nominated top 100

  4. Cindy you have blessed so many (me included) by bringing so much JOY to our lives- thank you for just being exactly who you are everyday!

  5. Congratulations on your award. How wonderful to receive it on your one year anniversary!
    I'm a new follower from Friday Follow. Nice to meet you.

  6. Congratulations Cindy! That is awesome!!
    hmmm... as for celebrating, what would you normally do for a birthday/anniversary celebration? cake, ice-cream, skinny vanilla latte? A party? maybe you could have a cyber party with cyber gifts. haha! I'm sure you will find a way that suits you perfectly. You are a treasure!! I love calling you my friend.

  7. Well deserved..when I think of you I always think of encouragement and your smile =) Happy blogoversary!

  8. Yeah Cindy!!! Your amazing blog and WONDERFUL YOU have brought me so much joy and encouragement. You make me want to know and love Jesus more. Thank you for your ministry and friendship! I like the idea of a "vlog" to celebrate your awesome anniversary. Love and blessings, Jenny C.

  9. Congratulations Cindy!!

    I haven't been reading your blog long but I can see why you would win. You have a God given gift of sharing hope with "sparkle" :)


  10. Congratulations Cindy! I am rejoicing with you on your unexpected award!
    I am also honored that you would stop by my little blog and follow! Blessings to you and continue to "sparkle" for His glory!

  11. Congratualtions on one year and on the award - very well deserved. Your blog is aptly named as I always see the "sparkle" when I stop by to read.

    Be blessed!

  12. Congratualtions on one year and on the award - very well deserved. Your blog is aptly named as I always see the "sparkle" when I stop by to read.

    Be blessed!

  13. Congratulations on your award.
    I'm a new follower.

  14. Cindy:
    Congratulations! I was first drawn to your blog by the titel, which I still love! I just clicked on to your testimony and read it. I am so blessed! What a God, and no matter where we've been, He stands ready to foorgive and love us. So glad I clicked over here today..



  15. Yaaaay, woooo hooo!! How excitin! Your blog is cute! Congrats and now~ eat cake!? I sooo would :) xoxo LA

  16. Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary. :)

    I found you via FF and am now following. Follow back at
