Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Gift of Friendship :)

Hello dear Bloggy Friends! I hope you are having a GREAT week! :)

The stomach flu has struck again at the Bultema house! My Benj had it 5 days last week, Amanda over the weekend, and then, last night, my little Sarah was sick in the night. (Not to mention John and I have felt lousy for days). AHHH! Sarah was too sick for Kindergarten this morning ~ so once again "my plans" are cancelled, and I stay home with sick kids. The joys of motherhood, huh?!.... :)

Imagine my surprise when my doorbell rang at 1:15 PM this afternoon. Who could it be?? Sarah and I were snuggled up cozy on the couch, still in our jammies, watching Dora. I peeked through my front door, and this is what I saw....

My dear friend Jill with special gifts just for me! :)

Jill and I usually have coffee together on Tuesday afternoons while our girls dance together in ballet class. Unfortunately our coffee date was one of the plans I had to cancel (since my little ballerina was sick)!

What a sweetheart Jill is! :) Since I couldn't meet for our usual latte, she surprised me and brought a "no foam, extra hot, venti skinny vanilla latte" to me (and with Diet Coke for later ~ what a jewel)!

Thank you, Jill, for brightening my day! Isn't friendship a beautiful thing?! :)

A friend loves at all times...... Proverbs 17:17

The Lord has blessed me with such amazing friends! They inspire me, pray for me, speak Truth to me, love on me, and accept me ~ just the way that I am.

(Not to mention, support me in so many ways ~ including through lattes!)

I am so very blessed to have such caring, thoughtful friends in my life!!

What about for you?? Who are the special women God has brought into your life?? And is there a way you could bless a special friend today??? Please share with us! I'd love to hear from you! :)

Enjoy the rest of your week!! I'm off to disinfect more things....

Many blessings to you~

P.S. The winner of the Jesus Lives Giveaway is Chellie from Art from my Table! Enjoy! :)

P.S.S. I'll be headed to West Cannon Baptist Church's MOPS group on Thursday morning to share a fun message! If the Lord brings me to mind, would you please pray?? (Among other things...that the Lord would prepare the hearts of the Mom's I'll be meeting, and that I would be healthy and well!) Thank you so very much! I'll keep you posted ~ I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned! :)


  1. woo hoo!! thanks Cindy!
    On a seperate note, I'm so sorry you all have been sick again. :-(

    I look forward to catching up with you sometime soon. I'll be praying for you until that time.

    hugs to you

  2. Cindy,

    I'm praying and believing for heaing in your family.

    In Jesus Name


  3. I pray you are all better soon. We just had our little one get the same thing. He is strong though and pulling through like a big boy!

  4. Okay I'm overly emotional today - because this post gave me goose bumps!!!

  5. aww, Im just thrilled that your friend loves you like that!! we all need a Jill ;) I hope you all are feeling much better!! xoxo LA

  6. What a sweet friend! Thanks for visiting my blog I am your newest follower.

  7. Good friends are the BEST!!!!

    BTW, congratulations for winning the "Most Joyful Among Us Blog" over at Internet Cafe Devotions!!!!
