Friday, March 5, 2010

Developing Stronger Relationships ~ Book Review & GIVEAWAY :)

Have you read any new good books lately?? :)

One of the many blessings of *She Sparkles* is the opportunity for me to read and review new books! My favorite part is sharing the blessing with you, my dear bloggy friend, with a book giveway!!

I was thrilled when I was recently asked to participate in a Blog Tour featuring Mother Daughter Duet by Cheri Fuller and Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson. Both of these wonderful authors are women I respect and admire, and I couldn't wait to see what God had been teaching them lately! :)

Dancing with My Father: How God Leads Us into a Life of Grace and Joy is incredible!! I wasn't surprised ~ Sally Clarkson is one of my favorite authors (her book The Mission of Motherhood was absolutely life~changing for me!). Once again, Sally has written a book filled with Truth, wisdom, real life illustrations, a beautiful mother's heart, and tons of applicable "take-aways".

Here's a brief summary of her latest book..."When Sally noticed a lack of joy in her own life, she realized how easy it can be, especially for women with overloaded to-do lists, to feel weighed down by drudgery and disappointment. But rather than slogging through her days, Sally wanted to know the delight of God's presence. She began prayerfully exploring how to cultivate deep-rooted joy even in the midst of difficult seasons...."

Can anyone else (besides me) relate?! I want some deep-rooted *JOY* too! :)

So how was the book?? I'll be honest...the first night I had a hard time putting the book down! (Finally John made me turn off the light!)

Just listen to some of the chapter titles...

* A Heart that Dances to Celebrate God's Presence
* Dancing Through the Twists and Turns of Life
* Reveling in God's Melody of Joy
* Listening for the Music of God's Dance

I want that too?! :) Dancing with My Father is a definite thumbs up! :)

Mother Daughter Duet: Getting to the Relationship You Want with Your Adult Daughter by Cheri Fuller & Ali Plum

Here's a brief summary.."In Mother-Daughter Duet they (Cheri and her daughter Ali) share their story—each from her own perspective—in which they have experienced distance and tension, growth and challenge, and, ultimately, acceptance and harmony. Filled with personal anecdotes and based on several basic principles, Mother-Daughter Duet helps moms repair the breach so that daughters want to draw close."

Another true confession... I don't think I would have purchased this book at the bookstore. I love my mom dearly, and I feel really good about where our relationship is today. I wouldn't have necessarily known this book would be so applicable for me. (And boy would I have missed out!)

I am so grateful I had the chance to read this story. My goodness, Cheri and her daughter are extremely transparent and authentic. I appreciate their vulnerability and willingness to share. They share wonderful tips on listening, respecting, setting boundaries, and more. I especially enjoyed the chapter on "Taking Care of Yourself: Nourishing My Emotional Well~Being". Great stuff!!

And not only did I take-away tips for strengthening my relationship with my mom, I learned a lot about being the MOM I desire to be for my two little girls. Another definite thumbs up! :)

The dear folks at WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group were so gracious to not only give a set of books for me to read and review, but a set of books to GIVEAWAY!! Woo Hoo!

I'll be giving the books away separately, so there will be two winners! :)

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Which of the two books would you like to win and Why?

Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson or

Mother Daughter Duet by Cheri Fuller & Ali Plum

RULES: Starts today, Friday, March 5th and ends Tuesday, March 9nd at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Wednesday, March 10th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I can't wait to hear from you!! Have a GREAT weekend!!

Thanks for stopping by * She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you! :)

These books were provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.


  1. I would very much love to win Dancing With My Father. The cover really caught my attention, and the summery you shared in your post I can so relate to. I want to know the delight of my Father's presence!

  2. Cindy, thanks for the reccomendations! These look like great books and I LOVE to read! Oh how I long for deep rooted joy... that one is most appealing to me right now. And I think the mother daughter one will be good for me as a mom too. I know I missed out on a really good relationship with my mom.
    We're going on vacation soon, and I'm looking for some books to bring with. So thanks again!!

  3. Oh, Dancing with My Father sounds wonderful!

    Now if the other book was about my MIL -- that might be different (ha).

    Bless you! Sounds wonderful!

  4. This is so funny, Cindy--
    I almost emailed you this week for a book suggestion and "Dancing with my Father" sounds like just what I was looking for! Thanks for all the great tips!

  5. Hi Cindy, Sign me up for the Dancing with My Father book. I am on my way to Amazon to look for The Mission Of Motherhood... both look fantastic!

  6. Cindy, thanks for taking the time to read books and tell us what's good :-) I'd love to win the "Mother Daughter Duet" book as my daughter is almost 14 and needless to say we are in the midst of many challenges - HELP! I desparately need godly advice and divine help. Thanks for doing the reviews and giveaways. Love, Jenny C. email:

  7. Thanks Cindy for the giveaway opportunity!

    I would love Dancing with My Father. I have been really looking for sources that help me cultivate a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father and this one looks awesome!

    Thanks again!

  8. Hi Cindy,
    My name is Sue, I have come by to congratulate you on your Blessed Aroma Award.
    I have read both of your reviews, and would love to read both books. My first choice would be Dancing With My Father, As my desire in life is to be as close to my Father as i can get, and I love the chapter titles you have shared.

  9. Beth -- Read Ruth over and over and over!! That's the MIL cure:)

    So, I would love to win the Mother/Daughter duet as a tribute to my relationship with my mother. We are truly friends, prayer pals, and more even though we rarely see I to I...except on decorating. I have 2 sisters - one older/one younger - their relationships with my mother seem to be a little less open and a little more tense. Even though we were raised with both our mother and father active in our life, now that we are adults...our father and younger brother are not...that leaves us with just us girls most of the time so mother/daughter IS our family!

    Best wishes to all!!

  10. Hello from a VERY LATE friday follower!

    Following you from...


    Hope you'll stop in!

  11. I'd probably select Dancing with My Father. But, The Mother Daughter Duet would certainly be appropriate. My daughter is 15, so we'll be entering a new phase of life in just a few short years.


  12. I would love to win Mother Daughter Duet. I just this morning went online to request it from my library. I am the mother of six, 4 of them girls!

    I found you through Internet Cafe Devotions...congratulations on your award!

  13. I would love to win Mother Daughter Duet. I just this morning went online to request it from my library. I am the mother of six, 4 of them girls!

    I found you through Internet Cafe Devotions...congratulations on your award!

  14. Hello Cindy,

    Thank so much for visiting the blog! Both of these books sound great! What a blessing you are to the blog world...I love it when Girlfriends share what they love...and thats exactly what you are doing here...good books that share our Jesus!

    Have a GREAT day!
    On Purpose!

  15. I just ordered Dancing with My Father and can't wait to start. I just know I'm going to love it.

    Thanks for the recommendation.

  16. As I read your review on
    Dancing with My Father I knew right away that this is a book I want to read. It is such a relevant topic for today. I makes me think of so many conversations I have had wit young moms...including one this very morning. I would love it to not only enrich my life, but to equip me for ministering to others. :)

  17. Your site is such a neat theme! ;)
    I really enjoyed this visit..& Dancing with My Father and those other titles you mentioned sound great! thank you for the recommendations and enjoying these sparkle moments! all the best, xx Jenn
