Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sick Day!

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I have been waiting for today, Tuesday October 20th, for months!! I was
scheduled to speak at a local Moms Group called SisterTime. I've prepared a message "Thriving on Your Motherhood Adventure". It's such a fun message, and I couldn't wait to share it and meet these SisterTime moms!

Sunday afternoon we went to a family birthday celebration. When we arrived back home, suddenly I wasn't feeling very good. In fact, I went straight to bed (shoes and all!). When I woke up 3 hours later, I had a horrible fever, chills, and a cold. I was devestated!!

I shared the news with my friends and asked them to please pray!! I went to bed early confident that I would wake up refreshed and healthy, ready for Monday night Bible Study and SisterTime on Tuesday.

Imagine my surprise when I woke up Monday still running a fever! There went my hope for Bible Study. God has provided so many great leaders to fill in the gap when I am not there, but it was still very disappointing for me. I miss my Monday night friends!!

I asked more friends to pray and trusted that if I didn't talk and just slept all day Monday, I would be fine for Tuesday. John took the day off of work to care for me and my daughter Amanda (who also has the flu). I layed low, went over my notes in my head, and trusted I'd be feeling better soon...or at least in the morning.

Finally about 7:00 PM last night, I was on the couch praying. I was asking God for His best for SisterTime. All of a sudden it hit me...His best might not include me!! I would be devestated if I shared any of my sick germs with these moms. Was it His best for me to go when I was not feeling well? What did He have planned??

I prayerfully decided I better call the SisterTime Coordinator. In case I wasn't able to make it, I wanted to give her advance notice. I should let her know how I was feeling.

Amy, the SisterTime Coordinator, was such a blessing. She cared about me and wanted me to have another day to "stay in my jammies". Amy didn't mind coming up with a Plan B. (In fact, she thought maybe they'd watch a Beth Moore video. Oh boy, did that give me PEACE. What a perfect plan!). Amy decided it'd be best just to reschedule (rather than waiting to see how I was in the morning), so that I could have another good night of rest.

After I hung up the phone, I cried. I was so sad. I said to John, "Do you think the enemy won since now I'm not going?" John very firmly said, "No, he didn't win. You've just been blessed!".

As I shared with John more of my conversation with Amy, he said, "I want to write her a Thank You note. Wow! What grace and love she extended to you. You've been blessed!!"

How am I this morning?? Although I no longer have a fever, I still have a sore throat and bad cold. I just called a friend and she said "Oh Cindy, you sound horrible!" (I thought I sounded better ~ shoot!). All 3 of my little kids are home with me (their school is closed due to the flu!), so perhaps we'll watch Camp Rock (again!) and have a Terrific Tuesday here in our jammies.

Thank you, SisterTime Amy, for your grace and care.

Thank you, John, for your support and love.

Thank you, Mom, for my care package on the door this morning (and yesterday too).

Thank you Monday night friends, for all of your notes and prayers.

Thank you, Facebook friends, for all of your kind words and support.

Thank you, Jackie and Jen and Jill, for stopping by and helping and brightening my day.

John is right ~ I am blessed.

How are you doing today?? Has the flu hit your home/school?? How can we pray for you today??


  1. It's funny how these things happen when God prepares us to be used.

    I have to speak this weekend and I was graced with a huge pimple on my nose! Can you believe this? This morning my allergies are acting up and low and behold, Aunt Flo appears. Good grief...I take all these as humble nuggets to remind me my sharing is NOT about me at all, but truly about being an instrument.

    It's not what they see in me but WHO they see in me. God is so good.

    Hugs to you today and you BETTER rest!!

  2. You are blessed to have so much love ans prayer warriors surrounding you. I know the group will also be blessed by your message. Hoping you are better soon.

  3. GOD always has a perfect plan...sometimes it takes us a little longer to realize it.
    Hope you are feeling much better, soon.

    Blessings, andrea

  4. It is so hard for women to be the one that is sick! Sometimes we have to be forced to stay home and get well! I am sending a prayer your way!

  5. BTW, I have a bloggy award for you over at my place!

  6. Just checking in on you! Hope you're getting better day by day!

  7. So many times in the past I have asked myself if the enemy won. Times when I was physically or emotionally injured. I love that you address that here. And I especially love what your husband said! Whoa, you are so blessed!

    I could be that there was something in that Beth Moore video someone needed to hear at that moment in time. But you'll be back on your feet and glorifying the Lord soon!

  8. Hope you are getting better. Indeed, it sounds like you are blessed!

    Thanks for stopping by and reading the guest post from Alisa.

