Tuesday, October 13, 2009

On Forgiveness ~ Part 3

This week I've been sharing about Forgiveness on my blog. It started here when I shared a very powerful letter I received from "Dee". In my last post, I shared my response to Dee's e-mail. And for today, I will share Dee's follow-up e-mail.

When I asked Dee if I could share her notes on my blog, her response was, "Yes, you may share my journey. Cindy, your website has helped me and I have found the Truth there. In these days, we need to hear more of the truth. And if we can reach someone on the computer, then glory to God." Isn't she amazing??

Again, my hope and prayer is that if you (or someone you know) wrestle with thoughts of self-condemnation, perhaps the correspondence Dee and I have shared will encourage you on your journey towards freedom and wholeness in Christ.

Dear Cindy:
You are right—I need to slam The truth at the devil!! I have let the devil take some control, and now I am going to push him out of my thoughts!!

I have been praying that God will show me how to forgive my self, and He told me the slate has been wiped clean each and every time I come to Him and confess my sins.

You know when my husband died 7 years ago I did make those lists of people I was upset with or mad at. Or have wronged. And I did start praying for them, and my anger towards them left. Actually I did have a lot of pain that I was holding on to and God did help set me free. Now I can see them as people who God loves and that I love and pray for.

I have asked a couple of my friends to pray for me too. Each morning when I look at myself in the mirror I tell myself that I am Forgiven. When I made the choice to stop doing drugs I was making a good choice. And God did help me overcome the desire and need for drugs.

You know my Pastor that being a Christian is hard work. The devil works extra hard to push us off the path a touch.

I have much peace and joy this week. I am sleeping better also.
I can hardly wait for Monday night to get here. Thanks for listening. Prayer is so powerful. The privilege of prayer, lets God do his Powerful thing!! See you Monday at Bible Study.

Sisters in Christ, Dee

Isn't it awesome to watch God work so powerfully in Dee's life?? Go back and read her first e-mail (here) which was written not even a week prior. Only God!!!

And if He can do it for Dee, He can (and will) do it for you!! :)

P.S. On my next post, I'll conclude this Forgiveness series with one final note from Dee. You won't want to miss it!!

P.S.S. Let's pray... Oh God, we are so thankful for the forgiveness that we have in You. I pray You would help us to live and walk in complete freedom in You. Lord, thank You for "Dee" and her willingness to share her journey with others. I pray You'd continue to work powerfully in her life...for Your purpose, for Your Glory. We bless You, Lord!! In Jesus Strong Name! Amen :)


  1. WOW! It's been a while since I stopped by, but this was a right on time post. I agree, forgiveness is more powerful than we can imagine. Afterall, it's the reason we are alive today!
    May God bless you for blessing me...once again (smile).

  2. That is amazing! God is doing some powerful work! I can't wait to check out your next post!
