Thursday, October 22, 2009

Award Time!

I am feeling better today!! Thank you so much for all of your kind words, encouragement, and prayer support! I've actually showered, been to the store, and even worked on laundry! It feels so good to be half-way healthy today!! Woo Hoo!!

I've been blessed by a few Blog awards over the past few weeks, and now that I am feeling better ~ it is about time I pass them on!!!!

I received the Loyal Blog Award from Alisa Hope over at Faith Imagined! (Alisa Hope is a extremely gifted, Christ-centered writer. Check out her blog! You will be encouraged and uplifted...guaranteed!) Thank you, Alisa Hope, for this award!

I am giving this award to 3 Loyal, Lovely ladies:

Crissy over at Crissy Blog Design

LaVender at Momsweb

Julie at Come Have A Peace

Thank you for being such a great encouragement and voice of Truth to me!

I also received the One Lovely Blog Award on September 26th from Ann with Honoring the King. (If you are ever looking for great deals/bargains, check out Ann's blog. She highlights sales at CVS, Target, etc.. You're sure to enjoy her blog!) Thank you, Ann, for this Lovely blog award!

I am passing the One Lovely Blog Award to Chellie at Art from my Table. Chellie is an amazing, health conscious, kid friendly cook! I am so grateful she started her new blog!

True story: When I was really sick with a fever this week, I remembered Chellie had a delicious Chicken Soup recipe on her blog. I checked it out, but was too exhausted to try it that day. Instead I called my Mom, and she brought her homemade Chicken Soup right over. (Thanks, Mom!!) I'm going to make Chellie's the next time a friend is sick though!! As Chellie says "chicken soup is perfect comfort food!"

Lastly, on September 3rd, Tina at TinasBookReviews gave me this fun Beautiful Bingo Blog Award! She nominated me for being Gorgeous! (You are too kind...thank you, Tina!)

So now I have the privilege of nominating some Beautiful blog's......

B-For Beautiful JJ @ The Landii

I- For Inspirational Christy @ Danni Frain

N- For my real life Neighbor Jill @ The Diaper Diaries

G- For God-focused Sandy @ One Day at a Time

O-For Outstanding Michelle @ Lost in the Prairies...Found by God

Your blogs bless me, inspire me, make me laugh, and sometimes cry!! Thank you for the time and dedication you devote to your blog. You are doing a Beautiful job!!

Most importantly, thank you to all my dear friends for allowing me the privilege to share with you the daily lessons that God is teaching me. My greatest desire is to always point you to Jesus...for He truly is the Way, the Truth, and Life. May all Glory go to Him alone!!

Many blessings to you!


  1. Thanks Cindy!! Ugh, hope you are feeling better. It is like the plague has descended!!

  2. Congratulations and GOD BLESS!

    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  3. Congratulations on your awards and glad that you are feeling better.

    Be blessed!

  4. Congratulations on all your bloggy awards! You are encouraging and inspiring and I always enjoy stopping by and reading your posts!

    You are too sweet for giving me an award! Woo Hoo! Thanks so much!!!

    I am so happy to learn that you are feeling better!
