Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday

First, a huge note of THANKS for all of your kind words and encouragment through my ear pain ordeal! I am THRILLED to announce my ear is finally better! Woo Hoo!!

However, unfortunately, Sunday night I caught a horrible cold/flu bug and have been "under the weather" all week! Ahhh! I want my life back! :)

Today's Thankful Thursday is a perfect chance for me to reflect on God's goodness in the midst of another week difficult week. Here are some of the Top 5 Things I am Thankful for this week.... (in no particular order)

1. My husband John

John has been such a HUGE support during my month long (plus) sickness!

He has stopped by Starbucks after work to pick up a latte for me, reads my Corrie Ten Boom book to me at night (I think he's even starting to like it!), gets medicine and ear drops and more Kleenex for me, prays over me, and most importantly, extends so much love and grace and patience and care. I am THANKFUL for my caring husband John!

2. My dear friend and ministry partner Julie Richardson

I am so THANKFUL for my dear friend and sister in Christ Julie.
We had the BEST time on our Prayer/Planning Retreat Friday night. Being with Julie is like being "home". Julie has such a big heart for Jesus and for women ~ and it is a GIFT to serve alongside of her. We are so FIRED UP for this fall!! I can't wait until September 14th! :)
I am so THANKFUL for our special, sacred friendship!!

3. My Kids

Saturday night my 3 little ones and I spent the night in a hotel. I wanted to give John a bit of a break (and with I couldn't resist the amazing deal).

Even though I didn't feel great, we had a ball. (The picture is of me and little Sarah jumping on the bed to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!). We went swimming (3 times), ordered pizza in, played cards, colored, ordered room service breakfast, and mostly just had GREAT family time.

(Even my son Jake and his buddy came out to the hotel and hung out with us for awhile.). I am so THANKFUL for my amazing kids! :)

4. My Mother-in-Love Jackie (shown in the picture below with my brother-in-law Jim)

I am so THANKFUL to be blessed with such a caring, generous Mother-in-Law/Love. She is one in a million! For example, Wednesday she brought Panera Bread soup over for lunch (when my throat felt like it was on fire), a Starbucks latte in the afternoon, and dinner for my family. What a woman!! :)

5. My Mom :)

Do we ever outgrow needing our Mom??

My mom has ALWAYS been an amazing, hard work, generous, caring Mom. When I was a single mom and Jake would get sick in the night, my mom would come over and help clean up the mess. And when John and I need to get away, guess who is more than willing to watch ALL 4 of the kids?? Yep - my mom :)

Of course, this week, when I couldn't stop sneezing and had no voice, guess who came by to pick up all 4 kids. For a sleepover!! My kids LOVE going to Grandma's, and I'm not sure I would have made it this week without the extra time on the couch. I am so THANKFUL for my mom's love and care. I am blessed! :)

There you have week in a nutshell. What about for you?? What are YOU thankful for this week?? I would LOVE to hear from you!!

Let's pray, shall we.... Oh Lord, We THANK YOU that every good and perfect gift comes from You!! Thank You for Your Word and for Your Spirit and for the LIFE we receive from You!! Thank You for revealing Your love and Your care through the family and friends that surround us. Lord, please use us to reflect Your goodness to those around us. Would You please reveal to us anyone who might need an encouraging word, a helpful deed, or a gentle hug? We desire to be ALL that You have for us to be! Keep us close to You, we pray. In Jesus' Powerful Name. Amen :)


  1. I am glad you are feeling better. I love the picture of you and your daughter jumping on the bed. Priceless!

  2. I'm so sorry you have had a rough week. It is bad enough to be sick during the winter but it's even harder when the weather is nice. I hope you are feeling better soon!

    Have you ever tried a product called Sambucol? I learned about this a year or two ago and have had great success with it. It's an immune system support product that you can find at CVS or Walgreens. Last winter, I never got sick when those around me were dropping like flies! That is very unusual for me.

  3. Love all the pictures!!! I am glad you are feeling 'sort of' better!

  4. Cindy, I'm so glad you're recovering. What a joy to see you thanking the Lord in the midst of your trial. You are such an encouragement :-) By the way, what's the name of the Corrie Ten Boom book that you love? I'd like to read it. God bless your w/e with health and joy! Love, Jenny C.
