Monday, August 31, 2009

Prayer Guide Giveaway Results

I am so excited to share the winners of the Prayer Guide Giveaway !! :)

And, wouldn't you know, those AWESOME ladies (Jennifer and Lara) at Walking with Him are donating another Prayer Guide for me to give away!! Woo Hoo!!

The THREE winners of the Walking with Him Prayer Guide are....Jill Morton, Julie from Come Have A Peace, and Sally Brown. (If I don't have a mailing address for you, could you Please send it to me? Thanks!).

And JJ, you blessed me with your comments (and made me smile!), but unfortunately your name wasn't chosen. :( (JJ and I were best friends growing up in Indiana. She has watched me journey through many bad choices, and prayed faithfully for me until I became a Christian at age 26). However, I couldn't resist, and purchased a Prayer Guide for you. Watch your mailbox!

And Crissy, blog designer extraordinaire, since you hurried and bought a Prayer Guide on your own...I am sending you a set of Prayer Cards from Nav Press that I love to use with my Prayer Guide. (Thank you again, Crissy, for all of your hard work on my blog! You are a treasure!!)

A huge note of THANKS to all who entered the Giveaway!! The Good News is that we are ALL winners ~ we can ALL pray anytime, any an AMAZING GOD who desires to hear from His dearly loved children!!!
Have a BLESSED, Prayer-filled day!!


  1. Cindy, I'm so excited to win a prayer guide. My sister Jenny and I are going to spend time together revamping our prayer time, and I can't wait to share this with the women of my Women's Ministry. Blessings to you in return for being an avenue of encouragement!!!

  2. Cindy,

    Thank you. I had a rift with a friend today (all started by me). We just talked and cried togther for over an hour and all is well. It's also my kids' first day of school. I also have a cold. I'm tired, wiped out from crying, annoyed with myself for starting trouble with a friend, and on and on.

    So I sat down to check email and blogs and was blessed immensely by you. God gives us what we need when we need it!!


  3. Thank you! I can't wait to get my prayer guide and the prayer cards!!! It is exactly what I need!

  4. Congrats to the winners! Hope you are feeling better, Cindy.

  5. Just stopped by to say "hello." Looks like you had a good giveaway here.
