Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Not Shaken

First the good news...I am healthy!! Woo Hoo!! Today is the first day since the end of July that I have felt like myself!! Yippee!! No ear fluid! No flu!!

The picture is from the Grand Rapids Labor Day Bridge Walk. (from left to right...my son Jake, Mayor Heartwell, my son Benj, me). It felt GREAT to be able to walk 5 miles (with my Mom and Dad too). Woo Hoo!!

What a weekend!! John and his friend were cutting down a tree in our yard Friday night. Unfortunately, the rope broke and the tree landed on our neighbor's house!! Ahhh!! The tree also took down our power lines!! Needless to say, we were without power for the next 24 hours and without cable/phone/internet for the whole weekend.

I sat in my dark living room, thinking about "my" Labor Day Weekend plans now down the drain. Gone. However, God's Word, once again, encouraged me and reminded me to keep my focus up. I began to meditate on one of my favorite verses, Psalm 16:8.

Psalm 16:8 (NIV)
I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Even with our pine tree on my neighbors house and all of our neighbors gawking as they drive by...I will not be shaken.

Regardless of my circumstances, my health, my finances...I will not be shaken.

In spite of my full To-Do list, e-mails to return, phone calls to make...I will not be shaken.

The lists could go on and on, couldn't they??

But because I have set the Lord always before me, I will not be shaken. I WILL NOT! The tests will come, the trials will come, but (with God's help), I will not be shaken!!

Want to know one of my secrets?? I always keep a bracelet on my right hand to remind me of this promise. Always! Usually the bigger, the chunkier the bracelet, the better. I must remind myself of God's presence and His goodness and His sovereignty in the midst of my crazy days.

A chunky bracelet on my right wrist is like a string tied around my pinkie finger reminding me of God's promises and care.

Now, do I always get this right? Of course not! (please do not ask me how many lattes I consumed this weekend!) But in the midst of a challenging weekend, I was filled with joy and love and patience rather than experiencing despair and defeat.

What about for you?? What challenges or difficult circumstances are you faced with this week? Please be encouraged! Give your circumstances to Him, sense His presence with you, and then stand tall on His promises! And whatever you do, do NOT BE SHAKEN!


  1. WOW! Just when I thought I was having a rough day, you've got a tree on your neighbor's house. All of a sudden, I don't have any problems (lol). This post has given me the strength and energy I need to tackle the to-do list for today. May God bless you for blessing me!

  2. Man! When it rains it pours at your house! You are definitely showing some major strength!!! BTW, I got the prayer guide and your prayer cards today!!! Wahoo!!!I am going to spend the evening going through it all!!! Oh and your kids are super cute!!!

  3. Whoa! A tree on the neighbor's house is a biggie, but God is even bigger.

    I'm so thrilled to meet you and thank you for following my family's mission blog!

    If you ever have free time I hope you'll visit my inspirational blog.

    I Choose Bliss
