Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ear tubes, missing caterpillars, and skunks

Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Today I will choose to give thanks for...

...the chance to get an ear tube placed in my ear during my ENT visit....even though it was extremely painful and my ear still feels clogged and infected. Ahhh!!! (Has anyone else had a ear tube as an adult?? Is this normal?)

Today I will choose to give thanks for... dog Rocky...despite his ability to smell up my whole house after getting sprayed by a skunk at 10:30 PM last night! It was horrible!!!

Today I will choose to give thanks for...

...the ability to care for Jack and Jill (birds from Sarah's preschool class) over the summer...although they had 3 babies on Saturday and have 7 more eggs in their little love nest.

and today I will give thanks for....

...our caterpillar,who hopefully will make it to a butterfly, if he doesn't keep escaping! Look where we found him today...

Good thing my husband John has such "eagle eyes" and spotted him on Amanda's hanging art work!!

And to top it all off...I noticed I wore my shirt inside out all day long!! I think all of the medication for my ear is finally getting to me!! Oh Lord, help me!!!

And how was your day??? What are you thankful for today?? :)

P.S. I'll post tomorrow (Lord willing) the winners of the Prayer Guide giveaway!! Woo Hoo!!

P.S.S. Tomorrow night, my girlfriend Julie and I are headed off for a prayer retreat!! I am ready for some major prayer time!!!


  1. Cindy you need a break! I hope your prayer retreat brings you peace. I will pray for healing for you. My friend had an inner ear infection last year that lasted over 4 months. Sounds like your doctors are doing more than hers did. They just kept telling her to wait it out.

    Regarding your "skunk" smelling dog. We had a "skunk" smelling car 3 years ago for a week. I didn't hit the skunk but he sprayed the car non the less. Now we have a skunk Webkinz appropriately named Stinky in memoriam.

  2. Love the caterpillar. When we were babysitting a hundred of them last week (YUCK! Lots of poop!!!), we kept finding escapees. Please look at my facebook (or maybe I'll eventually post on my blog) to see Emma release one of our monarchs. I am sure your kids will love it.

  3. I woke up with a sore throat today. I'll give thanks for the chance to rest and chill today, my kids' last day home from school. :)

  4. Michelle ~ Oh wow..a skunk car for a week!! We almost passed out with the smell after just one night! Oh, and please e-mail me your address when you can ~ I'd love to get the Dunamis power flyer to you (that you requested). Thanks for all of your encouraging comments!

  5. JJ ~
    I'm so sorry you're not feeling well today!! I'd love to see the pics (please post them on your blog when you can ~ I'm not on Facebook anymore). And how in the world did you end up babysitting 100 caterpillars?? What were they all stored in??
    P.S. Did you get your plane ticket yet???

  6. Cindy, I have never met you; but I must say seeing your beautiful smile; wow, do you sparkle! You sparkle and reflect the beautiful love of God! Thank you for sharing and being real and in that realness, revealing God's faithfulness through it all!

    You are blessed my sister!

  7. What an adventurous day you had! I am preparing for my step daughters wedding in sept. and everytime I visit the place we are holding the reception I get guessed it, I am allergic to something there. Today, I am trying to breath after a visit two days ago with the wedding coordinator.
    Blessings, andrea

  8. Today I am thankful for the chance to go minister overseas ... even if it means leaving my kids just after school starts. :) And I'm so thankful for the friends who are going to minister to me and the kids (and the people we go to serve) by caring for my children.

    Have a sweet time of prayer!

  9. Have a wonderful time on your prayer retreat!

  10. Oh my goodness, what a day you had!

    I hope you are refreshed at the retreat☺

  11. That caterpillar picture is great! I am giving thanks with you! I pray you are feeling better!
