Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's coming! Magnificent Monday's are back!!! :)

Woo Hoo!! I can hardly wait!! This Monday, June 15th starts a new season of Bible Study with my friends at Sunshine Church. My Monday's are going to be Magnificent this summer!! :) Yippee!!

We'll be studying Priscilla Shirer's newest study "One in a Million". (Priscilla is one of my favorite Bible teachers ~ and this study is hot off the press!) The topic is you know, I am passionate about living the full, free life in Christ ~ and that's exactly what this Bible study is all about!! WooHoo!!

And here's the best part! You are invited!!! If you live in the Grand Rapids area, please join us! We meet at Sunshine Church at 7 PM. This past spring, we had 55 women ~ all different ages, from all different churches, all friendly, amazing and fun! ~ come together to learn, share, and grow in Christ. (For more specific details, shoot me an e-mail and I'll forward a flyer to you).

If you are unable to come on Monday's OR live outside of Michigan ...please, please, please...may I encourage you to have a Bible Study plan this summer?!

So often I hear women say, "I'm just going to take the summer off". NO! Please don't!! The enemy DOES NOT take the summer off...and how he would love to get us away from the Truth of God's Word. Let's continue to fill our mind with TRUTH and live VICTORIOUSLY this summer!

Here are some ideas to stay in the Word over the summer months :)

* Select a good Bible study (I'm always happy to recommend some favorites) and maybe ask some girlfriends to join you. Accountability and community is such a beautiful thing!.

* Follow a Bible reading plan. John Piper has a fabulous resource for us. You can print it out here.

* Beth Moore (another favorite Bible teacher!) is forming an on-line community to study Me, Myself, and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild (which I highly recommend!). You can learn more about Beth's opportunity here.

* Join us on Magnificent Monday's at Sunshine Church!!

What's your Summer Bible reading plan?? I'd love to hear more how you stay "plugged in" to God's Word during the summer months. Share with us please!!

Let's pray...Oh Lord, Thank You for Your Word! Thank You that we can study Your Word openly and freely and that we have so many options and opportunities to choose from! Thank You for the power and the life that comes from time spent in Your Word! Oh Lord, as we head into the "care free" days of summer, would you please protect our time with You? Please remove distractions and obstacles, challenges and circumstances ~ so that we might have time to rest in Your presence. Empower us, O Lord, for Your Kingdom purposes. For Your Glory.

In Jesus' Strong, Powerful, and Mightly Name I pray!! Amen :)

1 comment:

  1. For me, it really is critical to stay connected to God's word in a structured way in the summer. Without structure, I find my study waning during the summer months. God bless you in your studies!
