Friday, June 19, 2009

Fantastic Friday!!

Wow ~ what a full week it has been! Please accept my apologies for not updating my blog more ~ the truth is we've been out having a blast this week!!

On Saturday, two of our dear friends from Cairo, Egypt flew in to stay with us. Hady is 16 and Farah is 13. Their mom Maha is one of my closest and dearest friends. Maha and I met back in 2003 when she came to Michigan to learn more about our church. Our hearts instantly connected. Maha and I both share a love for the Lord, prayer, our families, and ministry. Maha is like the big sister I didn't have, but have always wanted!!

Over the past 6 years, Maha has come back to the states (with her family), and John and I have had the opportunity to serve at her church in Egypt. What a blessing this year for Maha to trust us with the privilege of caring for Farah and Hady for a week. They've been busy boating and shopping and eating ice cream and Taco Bell and playing and eating more Taco Bell (their absolute favorite!). What a fun, fun time we have shared!!

Today is our last day together ~ so we are off to create more memories! It is a FANTASTIC FRIDAY at our home ~ and we are going to experience LIFE to the FULL (and probably have one more meal at Taco Bell)!!!

May your day be filled with much love, joy, peace, and FUN!! :) Jesus has come that we might have life more abundantly...let's experience ALL that He has for us!!!

1 comment:

  1. May your weekend be fIlled with love, joy, peace, and more FUN!
