Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thankful Thursday ~ Sharing My Story

Today is Thankful Thursday at our home! One of my hopes (and prayers) is to raise children with hearts of gratitude. Hopefully every day we are finding ways to express thanks to God and to one another ~ but today especially we will pause to acknowledge and thank God for His goodness in our lives!

For me personally, I am grateful for so many things! For my handsome husband, our precious kids, my amazing friends, my family, our health, our home, our neighborhood, summer, VBS...I could go on and on! And for today, I'm particularly mindful and thankful for the new life I have in Christ.

Many of you know my story...I did not come to know Jesus until the age of 26. And not only did I not know Jesus all those years, I experienced way more of the world than necessary. I've wrestled with addiction to food, alcohol, shopping, drugs... You name it, I've tried it. I often joke that my life before Christ is like a bad TV movie. It was empty and defeated living.

But here's the Good News! Not only did Christ come to my rescue and deliver me, He gave me a new place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God (Psalm 40). He gave me a new, clean, pure heart. Jesus has given me hope and a future. He filled my heart with love and joy and peace and satisfaction. And, praise the Lord, Jesus gave me a whole new reputation. Only Jesus can transform an empty, insecure girl into a woman who is able to live a life of freedom and fullness. Only Jesus!

I'm blown away by the opportunities the Lord has provided for me to share my story. Not one time have I ever pursued me "speaking" somewhere, but doors keep opening. Most recently, a woman named Melissa contacted me from West Virginia to be interviewed on her blogtalkradio show. (She interviewed me on the air yesterday. You can listen to it here). Me?? Really?? That God would risk His reputation on me is humbling. It makes me want to serve Him and worship Him all the more!!

Thank You, Jesus, for delivering me from a life of darkness and bringing me into Your Kingdom of light!! Thank You for the beauty of abundant life in You!! Thank You that there is no one too far gone...and thank You for the satisfaction that You alone can bring!!!

How about for you?? What are you thankful for today??


  1. Hi Cindy, thanks for stopping by and following me. Love this post. I am thankful for God's love.

  2. This post was a blessing just as you are! I'm thankful for blogs like yours (smile)
