Friday, March 6, 2009


It's been fun to see how God is continuing to teach me using the "bricks" visual (that I shared in my last post) in my own life. For example, I mentioned that sometimes the "brick" of fear gets in my way. I wasn't kidding. For two years I've wanted to start a blog. I've thought about it. Prayed about it. Shared ideas with friends. Wrote posts in my head. Joined blogspot. And then that old brick of fear would get it the way. What if someone wrote a mean comment? What if someone misinterpreted what I was trying to say? What if I my feelings get hurt?

So what did I do with the blog? Nothing - except listen to the voices in my head and kept that brick of fear in my backpack. It seemed safer that way....except carrying those bricks gets exhausting, doesn't it??

Finally, after a good friend strongly encouraged me to put that brick down once and for all, I went back to blogspot. Finished my profile. Prayed about my first post. And sent it out. Whew! Of course, for a quick second, panic struck once I hit "publish post" - but then there was a great sense of relief and victory and peace. My shoulders felt lighter and I slept well that night. I prayed that God would use my words to encourage and point others to Him.

Not even 10 hours later, I was on the phone with a dear friend. Through her many tears, she thanked me for starting the blog. My friend has been struggling, and when she read my first post about the bricks, tears just started pouring out. God used the visual of the bricks to reveal to her that she, too, is carrying "bricks in her backpack"....and He is ready for her to place them down. It was amazing to listen to her and pray together. The presence of God was in our midst!!

You know what struck me when I hung up the phone with my friend? How often I think about how my "bricks" impact me. How my fear and other junk gets in the way of me living the full life God has for me. But it's not about me - I want my life to matter for God and His Kingdom purposes! And I realized anew yesterday, that not only does carrying around "bricks" rob me of life and peace and fullness in Christ, but it also robs those around me. I'm grateful to God for revealing to me in a fresh and powerful way that it is time to be free of fear. What's the worst that can happen? And no matter God will still take care of me!!

So what about you? I must gently ask again...are you carrying "bricks" on your journey? Maybe it's fear or worry or doubt or addiction or unforgiveness or anger?? Not only is it robbing you of life, my guess is that it is significantly impacting those around you. Your precious family, your friends, your community, the Kingdom. May God bring fresh revelation to you and hold you close as you surrender your "bricks" to Him. It's time!

Let's Pray: Oh God, how we belive that Jesus is the Christ! We desire to have LIFE in His Name (John 20:31). Please gently remove anything that is weighing us down, so that we might more effectively reach out to others! Use us, God, to turn this world upside down for Your Name's sake!! For Your Glory alone!! Amen :)

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