Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Fun Movie and More!

John and I were blessed with a date night last night. After supper, we went to see a cute, light-hearted movie, "Confessions of a Shopaholic". Have you seen it? A good friend recommended the movie to me because of a Bible study I am currently working through. The movie, believe it or not, did a great job of bringing some of the truths I am learning in the study to life. It was really fun!

The Bible study is called, "No other gods" by Kelly Minter. I would HIGHLY recommend it! The author does a great job of defining modern day idols (liking shopping) and the lies and false beliefs behind them. If you are ever looking for a new study, check it out at I guarantee you'll love it! There are 50 women going through the study together on Monday nights at Sunshine Church. It is a HUGE blessing! Not only do I enjoy the study, I love each and every one of these women! They are so authentic and compassionate and beautiful ~ and I am learning so much from them!

Back to the movie....I don't want to give away I'll try and choose my words carefully. It's about where we find our identity, and honesty, and the beauty of community, and so much more. It's rated PG so it's relatively harmless (I do wish some of the women would have worn a bit more clothing) - but there really are some amazing quotes and insights to take away from this movie. I'll close with my one of my favorite thoughts to ponder. Rebecca, the shopaholic, at the end shares (something like), "I'm finally in a relationship with someone who can love me back".

I love that line! How much time/energy/money do we spend investing in things that ultimately leave us empty and unsatisfied? Things that can never love us back. Like our career or the internet or our image or success or shopping or food or busy-ness or perfectionism. Not necessarily bad things, but stuff that will never, ever satisfy the God-shaped hole we all have in our heart. Things that can never love us back.

Oh I am so grateful that we can each have a relationship with Someone who will always love us back! That we don't have to go through life trying to find our identity in things or stuff or our career. Aren't you?? :) Thank You, God, for Life in YOU and the fullness and freedom that comes from experiencing Life in Your Name!! Now that's one "Confession" I am excited to make!!

P.S. I'd like to go and see the movie again (maybe when it comes to the cheap theater). If you're interested, please let me know! I'd love to have you join me! :)

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