Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What's weighing you down??

I had the opportunity to speak at a MOPS gathering yesterday. It's always such a blessing to share with moms of Preschoolers - especially since it was not so long ago that I was a MOPS mom, and my little gang was ages 1, 2, 3, and 10. Whew! I'm exhausted all over again thinking about those days!!

For yesterday's MOPS gathering, I brought along a backpack, and shared 7 different things that I believe we need to pack for our journey (in this case, our Adventure in Mothering), if we are going to be ALL that God intends for us to be. Not items like Kleenexes and cough drops, but things like a Truth Nametag to remind us who we are in Christ, an IV for daily infusions of His power and His strength (don't we all need those??! - I know I sure do!), a Caribiner to keep us linked to other sisters in Christ, and more!

However, before we can start filling our backpack, we really need to empty it first, don't we?
In my backpack yesterday, I carried two, huge heavy bricks. One brick I labeled WORRY, and one brick was labeled FEAR. Two big weights that, thankfully, we DO NOT have to bring with us on our journey with Christ!!

My bricks were real life examples for me. Fear can be huge in my life. I fear not being good enough, I fear rejection, I fear missing out on the FULL LIFE that God has for me. If I'm not careful, FEAR can take away my joy and keep me from experiencing God's goodness in my life.

I am so THANKFUL for God's Word ~ and His many, many reminders to "Fear Not!". I am grateful that God gently leads us through our fears, speaks Truth into the lies, brings others to be voices of Truth and remind us to keep going (and always at just the right time), and that He never, ever gives up on us. Ever! What an awesome God we serve!

What about for you? Are you feeling burdened, exhausted, "heavier" than you need to? Are there any "bricks" weighing you down on your journey?

May today be the day that you empty out your backpack of anything that is not from Him (fear, worry, insecurity, idolatry, addiction) so that you can enjoy the full, free adventure of Life in Christ!!

Dear God, Thank YOU that in Christ we can live FREE, FULL LIVES! Please reveal to us if there is anything that is weighing us down or getting in the way of experiencing all that You have for us. May today be the day we gently place our "bricks" at the cross (and leave them there!). Please use us to make a difference for Your Kingdom!
In the Strong Name of Jesus we pray ~ Amen!


  1. Very good info, my friend. Thanks for starting this blog!!

  2. Thanks for that. I truly feel God lead me hear tonight, as I am hanging onto my own bricks right now. One that the Enemy knows that he can always get me on. Anger. I believe it's a generational sin, but a sin none the less. And, it seems that no matter how much I pray, no matter how much I try - anger always wins.
    Your entry made me feel like it's not such a hard task to empty my bricks. Thank you!
    Your friend from the women's retreat in October.
