Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What are YOU wearing?

As I was rummaging through my closet today looking for a Spring-like outfit to wear, I was reminded of my blog post on our "thought closets". It made me stop and ponder on what I was REALLY preparing to wear..and boy do I have some work to do!   Enjoy this mid-week repeat!

Hey Friends ~

What thoughts have been rolling around in your mind these days??

A Bible study I'm studying by Jennifer Rothschild (Me, Myself, & Lies - it's awesome!) encourages us to think of our thought life like a closet.

Our thought closet is designed to host the mind of Christ.

We cannot allow it to become cluttered with wrong thoughts or words or ill-fitting labels.

What's hanging in your closet??

For many years, my closet was filled with rags and hand-me-downs labeled "Not good enough", "Unloved", "Rejected".

And then I met Jesus. (Can I get a "Woo Hoo"?!)

Jesus ripped down the old rags (that were never meant for me to wear), and exchanged them for beautiful, glorious garments perfectly designed and hand-crafted just for me.
"Loved", "Beautiful in His Sight", "More than enough", "Redeemed" now hung in my new and improved thought closet.

Unfortunately, every once in awhile, I pick up an old rag and bring it in. I walk past a magazine with a mom of 8 kids in a bikini on the cover (although she had a tummy tuck!) and add "fat girl" and "unlovely" to my closet.

I flip through Pottery Barn catalogs, and suddenly "not good enough" becomes wrapped tightly around my waist.

I see pictures on FB of friends hanging out together, and I slip on "alone", "not wanted", "not loved".

If I'm going to be the victorious, powerful, fruit-bearing woman God has called me to be ~
I must not allow that old rag to hang in my closet for even a moment.

One smelly lie can start stinkin' up my whole thought closet. It must be removed. Confessed. Replaced with God's Truth. Immediately.


Today I choose to fill my thought closet only with Truth.

I will meditate on Colossians 3:12 and clothe myself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

I will live on guard to the enemy and his schemes.

I will ask God to help me keep my thought closet clean and orderly and pleasing to Him.

I will live loved.

How about for you?? Are there any old "rags" hanging around that need to be tossed out?

Is it time for a new garment....or maybe a whole new wardrobe? What's in your thought closet these days??

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have an amazing, liberating, Truth-filled day!

P.S. One of my most popular handouts is called "What is True to Me According to the Scriptures". My mentor Mary gave it to me years ago, and I try to pass it out every where I go. May I send you a copy? Please leave me your email address, and I will be sure to digitally send a copy your way!


  1. I would love a copy!!!


  2. I would love a copy too Cindy! Thanks so much!

    Loved this post about our "thought closet". I am going to remember this!



  3. I'd love a copy too. Carolscorner727@hotmail.com

  4. I did that Bible study several years ago...reading this tonight was a great reminder!!! Thank you:) I would like a copy gwenhornsey@yahoo.com

  5. I would love a copy. Thank you, Jenny C. Email orosco99@juno.com

  6. Great post Cindy! I think those same thoughts when I see that woman in the bikini!

    Would love that handout...


    Thanks for sharing your heart!

  7. I would love a copy, Cindy! Thank you! I love the truth you speak! I swear you know just what I need to hear!


  8. I would love a copy!

  9. Lori Edwards (redwards065@accelplus.net)May 3, 2012 at 8:39 PM

    I would love a copy!

  10. The link to this post was left as a comment on my blog. It was a perfect reminder of who God made me to be. Could I possibly post it on my site for others to see? I'd obviously give you full credit. If not, I may just direct others to the comment section on my blog. :)

    And if you wouldn't mind, please email me a copy of the hand out you mentioned. My email is IamDeedra@gmail.com.

