Monday, April 30, 2012

Mailbag Monday ~ Keeping You In the Loop

Hi Friends!

Thanks for all your sweet notes after my week of being a frazzled, emotional mess. Thankfully I'm doing much better this week! Woo Hoo! :)

I spoke at a wonderful Mother/Daughter Luncheon in Prescott, Michigan on Saturday. The committee was extremely warm and gracious, and would you believe, about 70% of the women did NOT know Jesus. Wow! What an amazing outreach event. I loved every minute of my time with this sweet group, and it fired me right back up again! Yay! I feel like I'm back to being ME! Thank you for your prayers! (Not to mention, 7 hours of worship time in the car did wonders for my weary soul!)

I've been getting lots of mail from y'all lately (thanks!) ~ so here are the answers to some of the questions you've been sending my way! (Be sure to stick with it to the end - I have a SUPER fun surprise to share with you!)

When does "He Loves Me" come out? How can I get a copy?

Starting May 11th, you'll be able to view the "He Loves Me" program at the Day of Discovery website. (You can also purchase copies there too).  When they are in, you'll also be able to purchase DVD's from *She Sparkles*. I'd be humbled to send a copy of "He Loves Me" your way!  

Doesn't Jake graduate this year? Where is he going to college?

Yes, my baby is graduating this year! Jake hasn't made any firm decisions yet. He was invited to go to a hockey prospect camp this July in Canada. His hope is to play hockey somewhere in the fall (I knew when his first was "hockey: I was in trouble!). I'll keep you posted!

Cindy, Are you speaking at Speak Up again this year?

Yes! I'll be teaching 3 workshops during the Speak Up Conference, as well as sharing at one of the main sessions. I can't wait! I love, love, love meeting all of the great women from around the nation ~ not too mention, Carol and her team are as Christ-centered and encouraging as they come! For more info (including what I'll be teaching) - visit here.

When does your study filmed in Turkey come out?

The filming we just completed in Turkey is for a new 8 session, video driven Bible study. The filming is finished, but now there is lots of work to do on the study guide. RBC Ministries is hoping the study will be available next spring/summer, so a church could plan on launching it Fall 2013. Only God!

Are you celebrating May Day this year?

For many years we celebrated May Day faithfully every year. Believe it or not, I'm not sure if we will this year. I'm trying not to "over-do", so we'll see. :) You can check out our previous May Day adventures here.

Are you teaching a Summer Bible Study in Grand Rapids??

Y'all know how much I love sharing God's Word! Julie and I are praying about "something"...details to be announced as soon as we know more....  Grand Rapids friends, would you be interested in coming to a little something in July?? What if the topic was "Living Balanced in an Unbalanced World?"

Lastly, although you didn't ask....I want YOU to be the first to know!

Coming VERY SOON *She Sparkles* will have a new look! Yay! I've been working with an incredible web designer, and we hope to do the big unveiling very soon! Not to worry, it'll still be sparkly! :)
I'm trying to think how to make the "Grand Unveling" fun and celebratory. Any suggestions???

Thanks for sending questions my way. Please keep them coming! :)  And thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*, my friend!  I thank God for you!

God's richest blessings to you~


  1. Wow, you have so much to share. Awesome things are happening for you. I have to say I love reading your blog above the rest becuz you are always uplifting even in the hardest of times. You are real and I thank you. Can't wait for The Day of Discovery and I do want to know about your bible study if you do something. Have a wonderful night, Cindy.

  2. Shine on!!!!!

    God bless,
    d from kansas on the prairie

  3. You are a busy gal...and God is using you and your testimony in great ways!

    I am so proud of you...and so pleased to be a blog/facebook friend. I am blessed by your posts.

    I am looking forward to the unveiling of your new blog design...and of course the viewing of the entire video testimony.

    Love and Blessings,
    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  4. Praising God that you are doing better.
