Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Big Unveiling!

Hey Friends!

Y'all know how I've been talking about Kokomo
and my testimony and Day of Discovery for months now, right??

Well I'm super excited to have the official "ok" to share with you the DVD artwork and a little video promo. Woo Hoo!

First, I just have to say...y'all are the best!

I was meeting with one of RBC's video editors yesterday, and she was telling me how when I was filming in Turkey last month, my *She Sparkles* friends made a huge impact on their FB page and website.

You know what that tells me? You were praying and wanted to see pictures and answers to your prayers. Yay! You bless me more than you know!

So we want to share the blessing! This amazing video editor has made some special promo clips for me to share with you ~ little "sneak peeks" until the DVD is ready to air!

What fun...except, I have to tell you - it's still super weird and hard and nauseating to see myself on camera. Ugh.

But for you, my dear *She Sparkles* friends, anything. :)

Let's start with the program title. The RBC team has named my personal testimony.....are you ready???

Insert drumroll.....

"He Loves Me - A Woman's Journey to Peace featuring Cindy Bultema"

And the cover (it's a little fuzzy, but I think you can get the idea) ~
I have to tell you, even though I didn't have anything to do with the title or the artwork, I absolutely love it! It reminds me so much of Psalm 18:19 -

He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.

I've had many a good cry over it already. Another story for another day... :)

And here is a quick 45 second intro to the video....

I'll also soon have clips of me sharing about the cocaine addiction and David's death (baby steps here, friends....), so when I get the nerve, I'll be sharing those as well!

And as you probably remember, Mother's Day is the official air date of my full 30 minute program on Day of Discovery (local schedule here) .

If you like what you see, please continue to visit Day of Discovery here or
here and thank them for their hard work and investment in this project!

I'll never understand why they asked me to be a part of this humbling work, except...you know what I'm going to say....only God!!!

And thank you, dear RBC team, when I kept saying, "there's no way I can do it. I just can't look into a camera and talk. It'll never work. I need my Monday night girls there. I can't talk into a camera"...thank you for not deciding at that moment I was was too insecure and change your mind. I wouldn't have blamed ya if you did :)

You know what I've learned, friends??

Our God is such a God of miracles. If He's called you to it, He'll get you through it. And not just through by the skin of your teeth....but victoriously. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. I'm not saying it won't cause you to leave your comfort zone! I'm not saying it won't cause sweat or tears or doubt or maybe even a bout of laryngitis or walking peumonia. :)

But I do promise you, based on the authority of God's Word, that in Him you have Strength. Hope. Victory. Courage. Confidence. And oodles of Peace and Joy!! Woo Hoo!

What is He calling YOU to, sweet friend?? In what areas of your life is God asking YOU to leave behind your fears, inadequacies, and lists of why He should be calling someone else....and step out in what God is desiring for YOU to do??

I'd love to hear from you!!

Thanks for stopping by for the "big unveiling!" God's richest blessings to you~


  1. Very happy for you, and proud of you.

  2. Cindy- I can't wait to see your final product. God has used your life for his glory and it was so fun to see your sneak peek! Thanks for sharing your journey through this.

  3. What a great introduction! You have a super, entergetic voice that just radiates the love of Jesus. Blessings my friend!

  4. This little teaser makes me really want to see the final product! You are doing a great job of following Gods lead, and of giving Him the glory through your testimony of His faithfulness in your life!

    Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  5. Ohhhhhh I love the trailer and cannot wait to see the entire thing!! Thank you for sharing with all of us - you are such a blessing of humility, humanity and humor wrapped in His grace. I LOVE YOU!
