Tuesday, March 13, 2012

In God's Waiting Room

Hey Friends ~

Happy Tuesday to you! I pray you are having a Truth-filled day!

What an emotional roller coaster I have been on this week. I still don't know how everything is going to shake out - but in an effort to keep it real here on *She Sparkles* - I write to you in the midst of the waiting.

As you may remember, I've been planning to go to Turkey to film a new women's Bible study with RBC Ministries for months now. This past Friday (6 days before departure) I completely lost my voice (this has NEVER happened before). I let RBC know right away, and yesterday the Director determined it'd be too big of a risk to take a crew over when the speaker didn't have a voice (makes sense!).

Unfortunately, with the way their budget is set up, if the study isn't filmed this month, it would need to be postponed until next year, and would probably be filmed locally.

I'll admit, friends, I bawled my eyes out.

Take one painful throat, plus lack of sleep (due to night time coughing fits), 3 1/2 days of solitude on the couch (have I ever told you I don't "do sick" well?) plus this disappointing news = a recipe for a complete meltdown.

However, while the RBC Production Assistant was telling me this heart wrenching update - her boss interupted her and asked if my schedule would allow to go next week. I quickly checked with my husband John and he said yes. So RBC contacted their agent in Turkey to see about switching plane tickets, shooting permits, hotels, etc... for the whole crew.

And so I wait.

However, in the midst of this waiting period, I am asking God to give me eyes to see Him. I've been begging God to reveal Himself to me (John 14:21) so that I might know His perfect plan in this "detour".

"Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love Me. And because they love me, my Father will love them, and I will love them. And I will reveal myself to each one of them." John 14:21 NLT

Yesterday within 30 minutes of my sad phone call, He sent my neighbor Tricia to my door. She was armed with soup and song books. She asked if she could play my piano and worship God. What a gift! I sat on my couch and cried and read Scripture as my home was filled with beautiful, heart felt hymns of praise to God.

My email was quickly filled with words of Truth and encouragement from many sweet friends. Every single word brought hope and joy to my weary soul, and the Truth shared was like a healing balm. (Thanks, friends!)

My sweet mentor Mary showed up with her Bible and healing oils. I think any ailment I've ever had (and will have) was prayed out of me! (Mary, you rock!)

My refrigerator was quickly stocked with healthy foods, yummy treats, pitchers of hot tea, honey...not to mention the different natural remedies dropped off by caring friends. Blessed.

My parents and in-laws continue to help shuffle kids here and there while I sit quietly on the couch, with my scarf and warm air humidifier, seeking God and His healing touch.

And I wait.

I cling to the Truth that although I don't know the future, I do know the One who holds the future.

I rest on the promise that God has not abandoned me. He knows what He's doing.

I trust Him.

What about you, dear friends? Have you ever been, or are you now, in a season of waiting? How have you seen God show up in the midst of your challenging seasons? What have you learned in God's waiting room?? I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement, my dear *She Sparkles* friends! I thank God for YOU!

P.S. I did go to my ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat doc) today. After sticking a mirror down my throat (gag!), he said while my vocal cords are still inflamed, I am on the road to recovery. Yay! I'm on a steroid now too (if I make it to Turkey, I may be puffy. Just sayin')....but my ENT is confident my voice is on its way back. Woo Hoo!

P.P.S. Here's one of the songs Tricia played for me on my piano. It's now my "theme song" for this waiting time.


  1. oh i hope hope hope you get to go next week instead!

  2. You are precious, Cindy. Your faith inspires me. Thanks for sharing from right where you are. I love this about you. It's what I loved about Carol Kent from the first time I picked up one of her books years ago having no clue who she was. I questioned if she'd still be as real and authentic after her son went to prison but her book told me just the opposite. She kept proclaiming the sweet grace and truth of Jesus Christ, in the midst of the struggle. And you do the same. I am still praying a voice over you and will not stop. Praying also for next week to work out on all accounts.
    Love you,

  3. Continuing to pray, sweet friend!

  4. Prayers for you continue, love you.

  5. Dear sweet Cindy, the Lord has kept you close in my heart and mind during these days. I am TRUSTING that He has good plans for you regarding all that is on your heart. He loves you so - thank you for being a walking example of what it looks like to believe this! May you be encouraged daily - I LOVE how the hands and feet of Jesus have come to comfort you in the kindness of you family and friends. Much love to you, Jenny C.

  6. Lifting you up in prayer. I think the Lord has some bigger plans for you in Turkey a week later. Excited to see what the Lord does with you and thru you all. God is so good all the time!

  7. Cindy ~ I too am in a season of waiting. God was very clear in His calling for me, yet lately everywhere I turn is a closed door - even in places I didn't think there even was a door! I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm following God's timetable, not my own, and He will get me there when He wants me there. (not easy though - I want to be there now!) Hang in there! Look at all the amazing things He's done to bring you this far!

  8. hey girl...tried to get on fb to message you but I think it's down or something right now. Anyways, it's Thursday and I'm praying for you - either as you sit at home or on a plane.....know that His plans are unfolding at this very moment. I pray for peace, clarity and anticipation of what He's doing and going to keep doing through all this.
    Love you,
