Sunday, March 11, 2012

How I'm Doing REALLY

Hey Friends :)

Today is a hard, discouraging, disappointing day.

You know, since I've given my life to Jesus and told God I'd go wherever He sends me, I'm used to the "trials" that come along with ministry.

**When I worked at Mars Hill
, John and I usually would fight right before every big event or opportunity. Ugh.

Now that John and I recognize this, we have *new* ministry challenges.

**It's not uncommon for me to get a cold
or the flu or an ear infection or even an asthma flair up the week before a speaking event.

**In the midst of my huge writing deadline, mice invaded our home.
(John killed 14 in one week - yuck!)

**5 days before the Red Hot Retreat
, my little girl shared lice with me. Nice.

**When I was planning to go to Nashville last week, John & the kids got the stomach flu. When I got home, everyone was healthy again. Of course.

I recognize that as I prepare for filming my Bible study in Turkey
and for my testimony to be aired on TV, the "attacks" may continue.

I've been super diligent about taking vitamins, getting rest, guzzling water, exercising, etc.. to maintain my physical health. I've spent hours in the Word and prayer trying to stay spiritually healthy.

When my son
was in a car accident last weekend (one of my worst fears!), I continued to declare my hope and faith in God.

I will not be shaken.

When RBC's production assistant (Julie) and I went wardrobe shopping on Tuesday, she shared she'd strained her back and was very uncomfortable. Oh no!

"What if every time one of these new challenges come up we praise God???" I said.

Back pain - God, we praise You that the rest of Julie is healthy.

Driving past Jake's accident scene - Lord, I praise You for keeping Jake healthy (and for him having not even a scrape!)

Thursday night I had a "tickle" in my throat. As I ran to Target, I declared, "Lord, I praise You for being Lord of my body, for over the counter medicine, for being faithful and true!"

Imagine my horror when I woke up Friday and had no voice. AHHHH!

Saturday I felt like a truck hit me - but went to the Med Center in case I have strep or mono and needed an antibiotic.

Friends, it's not good. I have laryngitis. The doctors said it may be 7 - 14 days before I have my voice back.

NOOOOO! I am supposed to leave for Turkey this Thursday (that's 4 days!).

Yesterday I was strong. I totally believed God had this and I'd be fine.

Today I had a melt down. Big time. I still have no voice, my throat feels like it's on fire, and I'm just plain old sad. Mad. Disappointed. Discouraged.

How can I praise You God when I don't even have a voice???

I wept.

And then I remembered the sweet friends God has blessed me with and their heart for prayer.

After I sent out a plea for prayer, I suddenly realized...

I can praise God without a voice!

I've been walking around doing sign language saying "Thank You, Jesus".

I've nodded in faith and "Amened" in my heart as I've read prayers and words of encouragement that have blessed me today from my dear friends (and even my kiddos).

I put on some lip stick and watched my son Benj and his hockey team win their hockey championship today. (I promise I didn't say a word - just pumped my fist in the air a lot!)

And I've declared to God again that I want this trip to Turkey to bring Him much glory!

When my voice returns I will share with fresh passion my Red Hot Faith in Him!

And if He is desiring for us to go to Turkey at a later date, I will thank Him for His sovereignty and care. (But my hope is that we go this week - pretty please, God?!!)

I will praise God.....

Friends, what are you praising God for today???

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! I'm off to grab some hot tea and head back to bed! Would you mind keeping me (and my voice!) in your prayers? I need a miracle!


  1. dear friend, you will be in my prayers, for that miracle and peace in the midst of it all. You certainly have seen your fair-share of trials lately. so glad you are praising in the midst of it all!

  2. Cindy, I will be lifting you up in prayer. And yes, the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, but the plans of the Lord will never be put pushed aside. He always gets His way. I am asking God to bring you quick and complete healing, much needed rest and peace that passes all understanding!

  3. my family is facinga big decision regarding my father (i don't say much about it, but he has dementia). i am PRAISING god that i have five brothers and sisters and a very helpful and loving husband.

    i am praying for you, cindy!

  4. Wow Cindy! It sure does sound like you've been under attack. You must be making the enemy nervous. God is using you in powerful ways to advance His kingdom. And, I know He'll be faithful in seeing you through each challenge that comes your way.

    I will absolutely join you in prayer. I pray for complete & total healing for your throat, your voice, and for your entire body. I pray that God would put a hedge of protection around you and your family and your travel companions as you prepare for your trip. And, I pray that you would see God move in miraculous ways during your time in Turkey.


  5. Cindy,
    I will be praying for you, your voice and your trip!!

  6. Praying, praying, praying.

    "For the LORD is good. His faithful love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation." Psalm 100: 5

  7. Lucky for you, we serve the God of miracles!

    The thought that keeps coming to mind is that this must be one AWESOME study that will have a GREAT impact for the Kingdom for satan to go through all this trouble to try to keep you from it.

    Trust in God's perfect timing for victory while we pray you through!

  8. You asked what I'm thankful for...well...

    I'm THANKFUL that our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST is going to be lifted up and GLORIFIED by YOU in Turkey!!!

    HE will NOT be denied!! The enemy has no power here - whether you have a voice or not! Our GOD has a MIGHTY voice!!!

    Praying for you, sweet sister!! Yes - OUT LOUD! VERY, VERY LOUD!!!


  9. Still praying for your voice my friend. I had the exact same thing - voice...gone. Had a teacher's meeting to lead and a prayer time. Randy led the staff meeting and a friend led the prayer time. I had no voice for 3 days.
    Can I share a totally southern recipe I've heard works wonders but wouldn't necessarily know personally - or maybe I do know personally.
    Jack Daniels, lemon juice, honey - heat and drink and girl you will not only be feeling might fine (I mean I assume so)but your voice just might miraculously reappear. I do believe I remember another miracle occuring around some wine.
    Okay - I've only done this once and it was because my Grandmother had a stash somewhere and swore by the remedy and it worked.
    I'm totally pulling a ANON with this comment but you know who I am (get ur shamrock on my friend!)

  10. You bless me with these words. God WILL be glorified, even in the pain.
    Love you,

  11. Driving down the road today...praying OUT LOUD, claiming your HEALING by the precious blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ!! He WILL be praised and lifted up by you in Turkey!! You WILL draw souls in His great and mighty Name!! \o/

    Love you!! xo
