Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Good News, the Bad News & the Giveaway (Carol Kent DVD series!)

Hey Friends!

Happy Weekend to you! :)

First my good news...only 5 days until I leave for Turkey. I've shed many a tear as I've been packing, praying, and preparing this week. Only God!

THANK YOU for your sweet notes of encouragement and your many prayers! Your support means more than you know. Thank you! :)

The bad news...I lost my voice. Can you believe it??! How can I teach 8 Bible lessons with no voice. AHHHH! Will you join me in praying I am restored to complete health - and quickly?!

And now the giveaway! Rather than sulk in my discomfort and get all freaked out, I'm trying to think about blessing others! I want to share one of my favorite resources with you!!!

If you've spent any time hanging out here at *She Sparkles*, you know I have a ton of respect for my friend, award winning writer & dynamic communicator, Carol Kent.

Carol's latest book, "Between A Rock and A Grace Place" has been a huge source of strength, encouragement, and inspiration to many women (and men) around the world!

If you haven't read it yet, trust will LOVE it!

Last winter, I had the joy of sitting in with Carol and 20 other amazing, beautiful women, along with the Zondervan team, as Carol taped 6 powerful teachings to correspond with her best-selling book.

Introducing the "Between A Rock And A Grace Place Kit" Woo Hoo!

Here's more...

"Bestselling author Carol Kent teaches this six-session video based study of facing the challenges of life and discovering the last thing you ever expected-the sweet spot of grace.

Join Carol as she teaches the liberating truth that when we are caught between a rock and a hard place, we are given a choice: Will we place ourselves in a posture of humility and complete dependence on God, or will we just “try harder” and stumble over what could be a transforming encounter with grace?

With hope, joy and a sense of humor, Carol Kent will help you and your group see God’s “grace places” in the middle of your worst moments.

Each pack contains one soft cover participant’s guide and one six-session DVD study. Retail: $31.99

Not only are Carol's teachings awesome, the publisher sent a production team to Florida to videotape her son Jason behind the razor wire. Cameo appearances from Jason are featured in each of the six sessions of the small group study. You will find him honest, transparent, humble, and encouraging.

Trust me, you are going to love this series!!! :)

You could go here to order a kit, OR you could enter to win one here....because I have a set to giveaway to you!! Yippee!

To Win my Between A Rock and A Grace Place Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win Carol Kent's Between A Rock and A Grace Place DVD Set & Study Guide??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
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•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Saturday, March 10th and ends Tuesday, March 13th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of March 14th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I'll close with these powerful words shared by Carol (from 1 Peter 4).

"Be encouraged with these words: Friends when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner.” 1 Peter 4:12-13 (MSG)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, grace-filled, weekend!!

P.S. Here's a little promo of the DVD's. See if you can find me too! :)

P.P.S. Carol will be hosting her amazing Speak Up Conference in Grand Rapids, MI again this June. Her conference is AWESOME! I'll also be there teaching
3 different workshops and other fun stuff. I'd love for you to join us!!!


  1. I am praying for God to restore your voice quickly. I love you. I would like to win the giveaway for the much needed encouragement.

  2. Wow, this looks like a great study. I don't think I have give myself enough grace and I find myself in discontent sometimes.

  3. Praying for you, Cindy. I know how easy it is to panic when you have a speaking engagement coming up and you begin to feel bad. Praying for God to restore your voice in His timing.

    I'd love to win the Carol Kent pack. We have all been in that place...looking to move to that Grace place. Sounds like an awesome pack.

  4. Love new studies! Prayed for you this morning! God is faithful, He's never failed you yet!

  5. I would love to win this giveaway to share the dvd series with a small group of women at my church. I think it would be a huge blessing to them in light of issues affecting our church body.

  6. praying for the voice! and can't wait to hear all about turkey! where in turkey will you be? i would love to see instanbul some day....if i had the caroil kent series, i would share it with ladies from church.

  7. Dear Friend,
    I am praying that your voice is in full force by the time you leave!!! As for your giveaway....who isn't "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" at some time? It often feels like wedged between 2 boulders in the desert with the wind carrying away screams for help. Would love her work:)

  8. Wow have a great trip to Turkey -how exciting!! I'm praying for your voice! I have a sore throat so I feel you right now! I'd like win the book and dvd set because recently I found out I couldn't get the job I was looking into since I had to many call offs at my current job -it was a transfer in the same company. and I now have to have 6 months perfect attendance and hope a similiar position opens up at that time to get the job I wanted. I've been praying hard and am trying to figure out what it is God has in store for me -that job or something different. But I feel like I'm wedged in a rut right now and I'm trying to keep a joyful heart and pray positively! Thank you and am looking so forward to hearing of your adventure in Turkey!!! :)
    Shannon Johnson

  9. Ok, so I know I've already won a Carol Kent book from you in the past, so I almost feel guilty for entering again, lol! However, I would LOVE to win this DVD series! Why? Well, because I am in my own space in between that rock and hard place and could use some encouragement. Carol Kent is the real deal! I had never heard of her until I read your blog...but then I realized that the story of her son was very familiar. I am a huge Dateline fan (and 20/20, 48 Hours, and those types of news shows) so I had heard the story of her son. What a story! I would listen to anything she has to say because I know she has been there. I am amazed at how she can still smile and have the joy of the Lord.

    Have a wonderful time in Turkey! I'm sure you will get your voice back in greater measure than it was before! I hope you will post pictures of your trip! Be sure to drink lots of Turkish tea...maybe that will help your throat! :)


  10. I am praying for you, Cindy, that your voice is restored. Maybe God is keeping you quiet before you go and share with many people. I pray that you have an amazing trip and your light for God is so transparent to all around you.

    I want to win the DVD series to share with my Thursday bible group, my neighborhood bible group, my friend's mother's group, and finally my old bible study group that I miss dearly. That is a lot of women that I can share the Lord with.

    Bless you tonight Cindy!

  11. I have no doubt that God will restore your voice at just the right moment and I am praying for that very thing!!

    I would love to win this set, and even more I would love to attend Carol's conference. I will have to see if I can afford it next year.

    Safe travels, my friend. God has such an adventure in store for you!! ((hugs))

  12. Praying for your voice to return with full force in just the right time. cindy, I was literally just thinking about how you said whenever you go to speak you or your family usually gets sick. And I just know that is satan trying to thwart what he knows is going to be powerful, freeing, and life giving teaching. So I pray with boldness and claim healing for your voice to do the things God has called you to do. Bless you my sweet friend. May He work in that voice of yours.
    Oh, I would love this study for our women at church to do this summer! But I feel bad for saying so because I just won something.

  13. WOW!
    So happy for you!
    Have a safe and wonderful trip!
    I will be praying for you!

  14. Praying that your voice is restored!

  15. I am confident that God will restore your voice in time to teach your powerful lessons in Turkey! Just rest up until then (easier said than done, I know.)

    I'd love to win Carol's new study - I'm always looking for new things to share in small groups!

  16. Praying for you, lady. This is big...TURKEY! Wow, enjoy. God will use you in big ways, and oh, scamper on back here and tell us all about it.

  17. Saw Carol at a WOF conference; very impressed with her. Would love to win package.
    ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

  18. follow on FB
    ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

  19. subscribe to email
    ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

    ceis8009 at yahoo dot com

  21. I would love to be able to have this series to share with the gals that went through "When I Lay My Issac Down" with me last fall...and to share in the context of when your marriage is tough. Carol is so transparent which is invaluable as a teaching tool. Cindy you are the same. I'd love to come back to class under you this summer, but a family wedding is going to keep me away this time. Praying for your Turkey adventure.

  22. Praying for you, Cindy!

    I'd love to win the Csrol Kent set...I'm always looking for quality material that can help me grow in godliness, and that I can share with my Christian sisters! I've heard of Carol before, but never read her story. (I looked her up after reading this post.) She has quite a story to tell! Praise God for people who use their difficult circumstances for His glory...Just like you're doing with your laryngitis!

  23. I don't see how I'll be able to make the Carol Kent workshop, but would love to at least get into her work. Parying for your voice and God's will to be done. He is mighty!

  24. Satan certainly doesn't play fair. Hope that the sun is shining in your life and your throat is resting and your nerves are calm.. Looking forward to winning the book when you return from your trip. ;>) Mary Sue
