Monday, March 5, 2012

Choosing to See - Meeting Mary Beth Chapman Pt 2

Hey Friends!

How are you??? Are you off to a good week?? :)

I'm feeling much better emotionally after Jake's accident. Thanks for your kind words and prayers!

I've been so excited to tell you about our trip to Nashville. (If you missed Part 1, including my husband's sweet message from Steven Curtis Chapman, recap here)

If you're wondering how I ended up in Nashville last week....

Last spring I taught a lesson from the Lukewarm Church in Revelation 3, particularly on how Jesus came to give sight to the blind.

(In fact, you can even watch it on Youtube - Part 1 starts here)

Anyway, now I am working with RBC Ministries to take these teachings and put them into a DVD/Bible study series (except rather than teach in front of women, I'll be teaching them on site in Turkey).

RBC also wants to include testimonies of women who are living with Red Hot Faith and weave their stories into my teachings.

When I was writing this "eye salve" message last year, I was drawn to Mary Beth Chapman's story. As I was thinking and praying about how Jesus came to give sight to the blind...I kept going back to her powerful book, "Choosing to SEE".

In case you are not familiar with Mary Beth or her story, here's
a quick 3 minute recap. (You may want to grab a tissue - powerful!!)

As I was writing the "script" ~ I kept picturing someone "like" Mary Beth to share her story, because clearly Mary Beth Chapman would never be a part of the Bible Study. Her family's schedule is so full with their traveling and all - it'd never work.

Oh me of little faith!

As I sat in the interview, it was such an answer to my prayers. God is so good!

Listening to Mary Beth share her story was amazing. We laughed, we cried, we reflected on God's love and grace and strength in the midst of tragic, heart-wrenching circumstances.

I admire the Chapman's commitment and desire to "do hard" and to continually use their platform to point others to Christ, as well as share their heart for adoption. They are the real deal! :)

I also enjoyed hearing Mary Beth's stories of what she calls "bread crumbs of grace" - little reminders from God that He is with us in the midst of hard circumstances.

Here's Mary Beth...

"I could only see a few feet in front of me. If I could see any farther than that, the journey ahead would be too scary. But He was showing me all that I needed, just a few steps at a me little glimmers of grace...if I would choose to SEE them." -Choosing to SEE

I cannot wait for you to see the interview we captured last week. God is so good!

How about for you, my dear bloggy friends? Have you ever experienced "bread crumbs of grace" during your journey? Been through a season where you needed God to restore your sight?? I would love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!!! God's richest blessings to you!

P.S. I'm linking up today with Jen and friends at Soli Deo Gloria. Be sure to check out this amazing sisterhood of women! :)


  1. oh I live in the nashville area...this accident reverberated through out this place...Her book is so powerful. Oh many times...God has come in the darkest of hours to bring His grace...His mercy...
    So wonderful how God worked this out for you...blessings~

  2. Praying for you to have a very blessed week.

  3. So glad the interview went so well. Your blog is always so encouraging to me. Thank you! Glad your son is ok. Boy, you've all been going through a crazy season with illness, etc. I'm praying for you!

  4. Thanks for your post Cindy. I live on breadcrumbs! Rarely do I have the big picture. It's that little trail of breadcrumbs, reminding me that I am on the right path, that keep me going! Can't wait to see the finished product of your Bible study! Praying for your trip to Turkey!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this. That must of been so exciting to interview her. What a blessing.

    Yes, God offers me bread crumbs all the time. Sometimes they come in the most suprising of ways!

  6. Such a beautiful family. I love hearing their story.

