Sunday, January 29, 2012

A to Z Memory Verse Challenge - "C" Verse & Giveaway!

Hey Friends!

Welcome back to the A to Z Memory Verse Challenge 2012! I'm so glad you are here!

In case you missed it, look at how this creative mom and how her family practiced the "B verse" this week.....

What fun!! Please keep your pictures, comments and ideas coming! :)

In case you are new to the A to Z Challenge, you can catch up here
! Basically, I'll be sharing a new verse every other week (A to Z style) through December 2012. I also have lots of fun prizes to share with Memory Verse Challenge participants!

Here are the verses we've learned so far....

A - As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15b

B - Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31

and now C -

C - Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Memorizing Ideas ~

* Don't forget the food coloring idea (see pic above!)

* For families, you may want to print off a letter C here on colored cardstock. Write the verse on the "C", and hang it on your refrigerator.

* Memorize it by song. This mom said her 2 1/2 year old memorized Psalm 51:10 while singing it together. There are many different versions of Psalm 51:10 to music. Here's one...

**Feel free to share your favorite tips, ideas, even pictures. I'd love to share your suggestions and/or link to you in the weeks to come!

Giveaways ~

Thanks to the extreme generosity of Verseability, one of my Verse Challenge Sponsors, I am thrilled to share TONS of great GIVEAWAYS with you! For this week....

* Memory Verse Challenge Participants ~ I have 10 free custom A to Z Memory Versebooks ($8.00 value, plus free s/h) to share. Woo hoo!

The Kidz A to Z versebooks have ALL of the verses we'll be memorizing this year....however, I hope you'll keep coming back here and checking in! I've learned accountability is KEY to victory!

Also, although the versebooks were designed with kids in mind, I have one by my kitchen sink and I love it! My husband John took one to work and has it on his desk. The kids have one in their bathroom. I love the Kidz Versepack!

To Win my A to Z Kidz Memory Versepack Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why have you've decided to participate in this A to Z Memory Verse Challenge?

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Monday, January 30th and ends Thursday, February 2nd at 9 PM. Winners will be posted on my blog during the week of February 3rd.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

For everyone ~ please check in and let us know you are still with us on the challenge! I love hearing who you are and where you are from!

If you are a blogger, link in! What fun to blog hop and see how you are implementing the verses. Friends, please stop by and say hello to these fun A to Z Participants too!!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Happy Memorizing!

P.S. Verseability has also made a custom A-Z Versepack that contains all 26 of the verses for the year. The Versepacks are business card sized and perfect for carrying in your purse or pocket and are available for a special price of $ 5.00, plus shipping. You can order them by e-mailing:
. Be sure to mention *She Sparkles* to get the special rate.

Disclosure: I was not provided with any financial compensation for this giveaway, and as always, all opinions are mine.


  1. I have chosen to do the Memory Verse challenge because I want to have more scriptures in my heart and mind when I am going through trials or need a pick-me-up. I love that they are done to the alphabet since I am a Kindergarten teacher!!

    Rene Owens

  2. I follow *She Sparkles*!

    Rene Owens

  3. I subscribe to *She Sparkles*

    Rene Owens

  4. I became a Christian only 11 years ago and have only memorized 4 other verses. I know where verses are but never remember them. I am so thankful Cindy for this. It is really encouraging me to put God's words where they should be - on my heart, mind and soul.

  5. I wanted to participate in the Memory verse challenge because I am a youth minister. I want to fill my spirit with the word of God so when I need to help my teens I can give them an easy way to help them remember how to learn scripture for themselves.

    Celia Currin
    celiacurrin at

  6. I added your button to my blog

  7. We are still going strong! I wanted to add Scripture memory to our homeschool day! This is much more important than book work (although we do plenty of that too). Thanks for the encouragement! Hope this week goes better for you!

  8. I wanted to do this challenge because I'm not great at memorizing verses but this is helping with that problem! I love checking in to see other peoples ideas on how to make memorizing fun!! This has really brought alot of joy to my life!! I'm from Wilmington, Il!
    I follow the blog and on fB!
    Shannon Johnson

  9. I just talked to a mom of one of my former students the other day who had fallen away from the Lord and then came back. I asked her what did it and she said it was God's word hidden in her heart! She used to memorize verses and then when she claimed athiesm they were still there! God is so good. So I don't plan on becoming an atheist but I still want God's word in my heart! I know it helps me parent better when "Let your gentleness be evident to all" runs through my mind! Thanks, Cindy!

  10. I wanted to do this because I recognize how important Scripture memory is in our home! Thanks for being an encouragement, Cindy!

  11. We are in too! I like it for several reasons. 1. learning scripture. 2. helps my 5 year old learn to read. 3. helps in number recognition. 4. good discussions follow.
    Would love the little book!! ;-)

  12. I tweeted about it! (@laceyrumley)

  13. Oh my. I don't think its chance I found you via a comment left on a praise and coffee story (Nightmares). I have been wanting to memorize more verse's and was just overwhemed at where to start. I also have 5 kids and this would be perfect for us to do each night we have our daily devotion during dinner, this is also perfect for a friend at bible study who has just come back to Church and Christ. I am blessed to have seen this today!
    Thank you.

  14. I love the accountability of this system...and your verses are so easy to learn! Thanks! Mary Sue

  15. I subscribe to She Sparkles. ;>) Mary Sue

  16. I follow "She Sparkles." ;>) Mary Sue

  17. We have chosen to do the challenge as a family, because we feel that it is important for our kids (and us!) to have as many verses as possible memorized to help protect our kids in tough times. Like spiritual armor!

  18. We follow she sparkles!

  19. We subscribe to She Sparkles!

  20. I decided to participate because I NEED to know God's word and after the day I have I never really realized how much so.

    Bobbie Jo
    San Angelo, TX

  21. Cindy, I just wanted to let you know that I received my custom Verse-ability decks from Darlene. I emailed her thanking her because they are absolutely FABULOUS and oh-so-helpful...she was so gracious in her response and also let me know about the kids version! I LOVE this idea and I will be ordering for two special little boys in my life!! Thank you for letting us know about this wonderful woman and her ministry!! <3

  22. Hello sister!!!

    I am still in it! And I love this verse. Man, how God has been working on my heart lately. He just causes everything to fit together, ya know. One of the verses for our CBS this passed week was Ezekiel 36:26. Which is one of my Life verses. LOVE IT!!

    I would love to be entered to win one of those kids packs, but if not, that's alright! I have already won so much spiritually just by participating in this.

  23. Hi Cindy, Happy Tuesday to you! : )
    Love the A-Z memory challenge because they are quick, easy to learn and hides God's word in my heart. What a blessing.Nice to connect with you. Love & Blessings! : )


  24. Hi Cindy, I enjoyed spending time Saturday listening to you! I'm not a blogger,not sure how to, so hope its okay to send an email? I have not made a practice of memorizing scripture since my christain school days but I'm going to try! Thanks again Bev

  25. I would love to have the memory verse cards! What a blessing to have my children know scripture by heart!

  26. My girls-5 and almost 3 are having so much fun learning the a to z verses!! Both girls can say both a and b verse and we are working on the c verse this week. We write them on our mirrors and on the letter cutouts. It's great writing practice for the 5 year old:) when the girls are ready I record them reciting their verse and post it on YouTube so they can show family! Thanks for doing this:)

  27. My girls-5 and almost 3 are having so much fun learning the a to z verses!! Both girls can say both a and b verse and we are working on the c verse this week. We write them on our mirrors and on the letter cutouts. It's great writing practice for the 5 year old:) when the girls are ready I record them reciting their verse and post it on YouTube so they can show family! Thanks for doing this:)
