Sunday, January 29, 2012

Starbucks Winners & Randomness

Hey Friends :)

Happy Weekend to you! I've missed you!!!!! I've definitely needed some time to "focus", but I sure miss hearing how y'all are doing! Please fill me in on what is new with you!

Here's a couple of quick updates, and then I'll share the 15 winners of a Starbucks e-card (from the "B' Memory Verse Challenge)

* Do you like the picture of me and my husband John? We enjoyed the blessing of a great date night on Friday (thanks Mom & Dad for keeping the whole gang overnight, and Gwen for the yummy gift certificate). I think John is tired of my picture taking. I always warn him "that's going on the blog!". Never a dull moment with John ~ that is for sure! Love.

* Thanks for praying for my writing project! My deadline is this Tuesday, January 31st. I have some finishing "polishing work" to do - and then Tuesday I'll hand over my 8 session Bible study to the video crew. What a weird feeling this will be!

* The video/publishing team has given me the "ok" to fill you in on what I've been up to. (They know how much I love and value your prayer support!). Coming soon (hopefully this week), I'll be letting "the cat out of the bag". Promise. Only 46 days until it begins....

* The "C" Verse will be posted tomorrow from the A to Z Memory Verse Challenge (with another generous giveaway)! I love seeing your pictures and updates. In fact, look at what this creative mom sent this morning....

Cindy, What do you do on a SUPER snowy morning in Michigan...write your A-Z memory verse in the snow with food coloring and then decorate the backyard!

Love it!! What is new with you my dear bloggy friend?? Fill us in please!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you!

P.S. The winners of the Starbucks e-cards are....

Memory Verse Participants...

1. Natasha from MI

2. Rene from TX

3. Shannon D from CA

4. April from VA.

5. Denise from TN

6. tleyen from NC

7. Dawn from CO

8. Michelle from Canada

9. Sherry from MyJourneyBack in TX

10. AubreyLaine

11. Mary Sue Owens from TX

12. Deb Huntley from MI

13. Natalie from KS

14. Courtney from MI

15. Meredith M. from MI

Blogger Winners

1. The Rumley Family

2. Little Writer Momma

3. Cotton Pickin Cute

4. Choose Freedom

5. In the Throne Room

A huge THANKS to all who have entered! Winners, please be sure I have your e-mail address, and watch for a Starbucks gift card later this week (probably Wednesday). Woo Hoo!


  1. Can't wait to hear more about what God is doing in your life!

  2. EEKKK, Cotton Pickin Cute, which is little ole' me is a winner? Thanks Cindy!!! I already feel like a winner in participating in the challenge. Even Neil's doing it with me. We've got the verse taped to both computers and one in the bible for our marker.

    Hugs...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

    P.S. I have 1 giveaway ending tomorrow the 30th and 2 more going on. I hope you stop by and enter.

  3. Glad you and the hubby had a fun date night on Friday. I love the silly picture!

    Loved the picture of the Bible verse written in the snow. That was a clever idea.

    it will be fun to hear what is coming up for you. Glad your writing is almost completed except for the smoothing things over.

    You are a busy gal.

    Have a good week ahead!


  4. Thanks sweety, love and prayers are being sent your way.

  5. Yes, I LOVED the picture!! It made me smile!! It brings such JOY to my heart to see couples having FUN together!! Isn't that what it's all about...our Lord gifted us to each other to bring happiness!! :)

    I'm glad you were able to recharge and restore yourself during your "down" time...we all need to take a breather every now and again! I can't wait to hear the news!!

    As I was scrolling down the list of winners looking for friends I may know (perhaps Dawn in CO is "my" Dawn?!) I see my blog, In the Throne Room! I literally said, "Oh my word!" outloud!! Thank you for your generosity and thank you MOST of all for this challenge!

    You have been such a blessing to me in so many ways. I thank God for leading me to *She Sparkles...and YOU! xo

  6. Hey Cindy. Just checking, did you ever send out the Starbucks gift cards. If so, I didn't get mine. No rush, just checking.

    Hugs...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute
