Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Top 5 in 2012

Hey Friends!

I'll be honest ~ I am intentionally choosing "gratitude" today.

It's been a long week filled with sickness, challenges, car breakdowns/repairs, long to-do lists, cancelled appointments (due to sick kids), and more!

But today, I will choose gratitude. I will choose joy. I will thank God only 3 out of 6 of us have had strep throat (and my mom, sorry Mom, for spreading it when they slept over!).

I will thank God that my daughter made it to the carpet rather than throwing up at the hockey game. I will choose peace in the midst of our chaos.

I have a choice....and I choose to thank Him! :)

I've been sitting on the couch with my sick Sarah, naming my blessings one by one. So many. no doubt about it ~ even in the midst of our challenges ~ I am blessed.

Here is my Top 5 Thankful Thursday list for today....

1. My Family ~ John, Jake, Benj, Manda & Sarah

Love them. What would I do without my gang?! :) Boy do they fill my life with JOY! :)

2. Amazing Ministry Opportunity ~

I've been hinting about it for awhile - and I think next week I'll completely spill the beans. I'll give you some clues. It has to do with a Bible study that I've written. Filming it on site in the ancient ruins. A long flight. And a God sized task that makes me cry tears of joy, humilty and unbelief everytime I think of it. Only God! (And 57 days until I go - yikes!)

3. April is coming ~

Year ago, I met my dear friend April. Although she lives in VA (and I'm in Michigan) - we immediately connected and God has grown our friendship in such beautiful ways over the years.

April is an editor extraordinaire, and she is coming to MI TONIGHT for 4 days to help me "polish" all of my writings before I submit them (my deadline is Jaunary 31st - yikes!).

I'm so thankful to April (and her family) for her willingness to come and help on this project, and to John and my family for letting me go to a hotel to pray, write, and work hard with April!

You can read Aprils "side of the story" here! :)

4. The *She Sparkles* A to Z Memory Verse Challenge ~

Ok, no joke, on December 27th I was praying about 2012 and God laid it on my heart to memorize verses again. Since 2012 is going to be nutty , I mean "full", I sensed "A to Z style" would be a good way to go. And then I sensed I was to invite all of you. :)

Within 24 hours I had an amazing sponsor, and a button....

....and on January 1, 2012 ~ men, women, and children all over the nation (world, actually!) joined in on the Memory Verse Challenge. Woo Hoo!

It fires me up me every time I receive sweet notes like this....

Hi Cindy, I wanted to let you know that our whole family is memorizing the was so cute because I was on a "date" with A at Hobby Lobby and she ran over to a cross that had the A verse on it and was so excited, "Mom, there's our verse!!!!" It was so fun to see her find it in another context...just putting more of it in her heart. Her sister, who is 4, is so proud of herself, although she says, "...we will save the Lord." But we'll accept it:)

Or this ~ I'm Tianne, a Missionary midwife student in the Philippines. From Michigan. I also posted about the challenge on my blog. My aunt Carol goes to a Bible study at your Church in GR and advised me to follow your blog and to do the memory verse challenge. I am really enjoying it :)

It's not too late to join us - we're only on "B"! More details here

5. God's Grace

Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of who I was before Christ. I am so grateful to God for redeeming my life from the pit and giving me a firm place to stand and the new song He has given me! (If you've not heard my story, a recap is here.)

Only God could take a lonely, broken, single mom and not only rescue, deliver, and save me - but give me a clean heart and a brand new reputation. Only God!

I am forever grateful!

Whew!! So there's my Thankful Thursday Top 5 list!

After naming my gratitude list, I'm feeling better already! Isn't gratitude a beautiful thing?! :)

I am also thankful for my friends (near and far) for all of their help this week. I wouldn't have made it without the texts, phone calls, prayer support, FB messages, 3 hour lunch dates (Julie!), and notes of encouragement ! Thank you so very much!! I'm so glad God doesn't intend for us to journey alone!

What about for you?? On this Thankful Thursday, what are you thankful for today?? I'd love to hear from you!!

Many blessings to you!

P.S. I'm linking up with others for
Thankful Thursday and Laurie at Women Taking A Stand is our host! Come join us! :)


  1. I am thankful that the Lord led me to you and your blog. Your faith is great and your testimony will touch many people! God bless you Cindy!

    Even your smile encourages have a big beautiful smile!

  2. I'm glad to have "met" you and found your blog through the A-Z challenge! Thanks for sharing your thankful list. I hope everyone is well soon and you all have a lovely weekend!


  3. I love how you started this post with I choose..... this is so important!!!!

  4. What a wonderful list and you are so right - we have to choose to be grateful and thank you.


  5. I concur with all the other ladies here...your choice and your faith is an encouragement...I'm glad to have "met" you recently through your blog, because your words and pictures make me smile...I also LOVE hearing about your ministry opportunities and writing projects...they give me courage and encouragement to keep dreaming!!!

  6. I LOVED your attitude about choosing to be grateful even in the midst of sickness. Thank you for joining us for THANKFUL THURSDAY! :)

  7. What a great list! I'm waiting on pins and needles to find out the next step in your God project!

  8. I'm so grateful that God sent me to the A-Z challenge and in turn to your blog! It has been just the kick in the bottom I needed this year! I'm thankful that telling my story of how much good God has done for me recently got a friend/co-worker of mine back in church this week!!! (after a 8 year break)!!!! So excited to see all the good God's word does!
