Friday, January 20, 2012

*She Sparkles* Top 10

Hey Friends!

Happy Weekend to you! I hope your weekend is filled with much laughter and joy-filled moments!

I'll be hanging out with my friend
April ~ writing, "tweaking" and praying. Can't wait!!!

I recently came across something interesting ~ my Top 10 blog posts!

Although there are many ways to track blog traffics, statistics, page views, etc... ~ I never do any of that stuff. Not that it's bad (it can be very helpful, insightful, etc..) ~ I just know my personality, and I don't want to get caught up in numbers.

My hope on *She Sparkles* is just to encourage, point to Jesus, be real, share Truth, celebrate and get to know y'all. :)

Yesterday I was trying to add a "search this blog" to my sidebar. Guess what? It worked! I hope this helps you find old blog posts by topic. See it in my sidebar to the right? :)

While I doing this, I came across another new feature from blogger ~ your Top 10 blog posts. You can rank them in different ways ~ so I decided to compile a list of my Top 10 blog posts since *She Sparkles* started in March of 2009.

I was surprised by my # 1 viewed post. Want to take a guess??

It wasn't my testimony (good guess!), or my About me page (another good guess!).

The Top Blog Post from *She Sparkles* is......

Coping Strategives for the Frazzled Woman from this past summer!

Isn't that crazy? The post when I thought I was going to lose my mind and was totally wrestling with maintaining my "joy" in the midst of having a house full of kids at home ~ ended up being #1. I hope it was an encouragement. Or maybe it was just a relief to other women to know they were not alone.

(And if you'd like a copy of my 10 coping strategies, leave me your e-mail address. My graphic designer friend typed it up all nice for me to share!)

Here's the rest of the Top 10.... (All the links are live if you want to check any of them out).

2. About Cindy

3. Summer Fun from A to Z

4. A to Z Memory Verse Challenge Kick-off

5. A to Z Memory Verse Challenge details

6. My Testimony

7. Tea Time - I love when I'm at the kids' school for recess and the kids say, "Hey Mrs. Bultema. We have Tea Time at our house now too!" :)

8. Thanksgiving Family Fun from A to Z

9. Where's the Line to See Jesus?

10. My Favorite Back to School Shopping Tip

So there's my Top 10. Any surprises?

Any thoughts on what it means?

So what are you up to this weekend? Any fun plans? How can I pray for you? I would love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you!!!


  1. May you be blessed, as you bless.

  2. I can see how that would be number 1 -- women need encouragement AND to feel that they are not alone.

    I might have to check out this blogger feature!

    Praying for you this weekend!

  3. Hi... what a delight to discover you inspiring blog... chock full of encouragement and practical helps.... I have posted your lovely blog on my Follow Me Friday post where we share blogs of inspirational value and make Christian connections in blogland! Thanks for the enthralling visit and God bless you!

  4. Schotzy over at Wings of Eagles referred me to your blog via my blog hop over at Finding The Inspiring. So glad she did! I am now following and officially inviting you to come visit me any time.

    Now I'm off to check out your top 10 posts! :)

  5. Totally not surprising with the stress-filled lives most of us lead nowadays...

    My Saturday is going to the dogs - literally! I have a foster dog, Casey Sparkles (you can follow her on Facebook!), and she has an adoption event tomorrow at I'll be there with her for a good while and then attending a chili cookoff fundraiser for a local animal rescue group. YUM! Please pray that Casey Sparkles *special people* find her!

    Sunday is church with my Dad followed by brunch and catching up on the happenings of the week.

    My youngest son, Matthew, will be home for the weekend so that's always a special time! His schedule as a postdoc is so crazy these days that when he is able to be home, I treasure it!

    Have a blessed weekend with your family, Cindy!! <3

  6. Encouragement is a blessing to others! Thanks for being a blessing!

  7. It's always a challenge to figure out these blogger details, isn't it? Glad you got it figured out! Enjoy your writing weekend!
