Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Scripture Memory 2012 - Come Join Us (Pt 2)

In case you missed the Scripture Memory Part 1 post - you can read it here.

Hey Friends ~

I am so excited to tell you more about the *She Sparkles* Scripture Memory 2012 plan! Woo Hoo!

Y'all know I'm a huge fan of memorizing God's Word. Please know, I'm not some great memorizer and certainly don't have extra time on my hands ~ I've just experienced FREEDOM, HEALING and JOY like never before by renewing my mind with God's Word.

How can I not invite you to join me?!

Could you use more peace? Ready to experience more joy? I know I am! Let's do this together!

I've memorized scripture in all sorts of ways ~ with a Bible study, picking verses with a friend, Beth Moore's Siesta verses, trying to memorize a whole book of the Bible with a friend, and my Scripture Memory A to Z 2009, to name a few.

I've found thate during "full seasons" of my life the A to Z plan works best. I prayerfully pre-select the verses (before life gets crazy), map out a year long plan, and then it's easy to practice and review anytime, anywhere.

I'm not the only one who has benefited from the A to Z style. A dear friend sent this to me yesterday...

Cindy, I would love to have the verses that you are going to be memorizing. I remember verses (all by the alphabet) that I learned when I was about 12 or 13 and I can still recite them. Sometimes when I can't sleep at nite I start with A (All we like sheep have gone astray) etc. and go thru the seems like I never get to Z and it's probably a good thing 'cause I don't know any verses starting with Z. Great idea................ Thanks!!

And before you say you can't do it ~ do you remember the two sweet girls who memorized all 26 verses last time? If they can do it, we can too!

I'm not sure about you, but my 2012 is a bit nutty already! This year is going to be filled with such faith-building, character building opportunities (I can't wait to tell you where I'm going in March - only God!!!) ~ I need a WHOLE BUNCH of God's Word or I might have a melt down! It's definitely another A to Z year!

You too??

Would you prayerfully consider joining the *She Sparkles* Scripture Memory Challenge 2012?

I'll post the first verse this Monday, January 1 ~ so grab some index cards and get ready! I'll share more specific details tomorrow - including the incredible ministry who is helping to sponsor this fun opportunity. You'll never believe the first set of prizes! Woo Hoo!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! May God bless you with much joy in Him!


  1. I love this idea of memorizing scripture based on the Alphabet. This is something I may get my daughter to join me in.

  2. Oh my goodness! I can't believe you do the A to Z scripture memorization! I had never heard of this method before God put that idea on my heart and mind back in '09 when I began the Siesta scripture memory. I went A to Z in 09 and am finishing up another round this year. I love this method as it makes review and retention of the verses soooo much easier. Not to mention the psalmist in psalm 119 used that same way of memorization too. It's definitely a God inspired way to do it! I'm starting Beth Moores James study in a couple weeks and will be tackling the memorization of James. Seems like an impossibility for this mind of mine but know all things are possible. :)

  3. Cindy, I'd love to join you! Please keep me posted. Much love, Becky
