Thursday, December 29, 2011

Scripture Memory 2012 - Come Join Us! (Part 3)

In case you missed the first two Scripture Memory posts - you can catch up here & here

Hey Friends ~

I am so excited to tell you more about the *She Sparkles* Scripture Memory A to Z 2012 plan!

In 2009 a group of us all across the US accepted the challenge to memorize 26 new verses, ABC style. It was so much fun! In 2012 we'll do it again ~ this time with new verses, plus prizes and incentives too. Woo Hoo!

Here's some details....

* The first verse (starting with the letter A) will be posted this Sunday, January 1.

* After the first verse, new verses will be posted every other week on Monday (i.e. Monday, January 16th will be the B verse). The last verse (Z) will be posted on Monday, December 17th.

(For the weeks I'm out of town or just crazy busy, I'll post ahead, promise. Lord willing, there will always be a new verse posted on time.)

Let's do this together...

* Every week that a new verse is posted, you are invited to "check in" by leaving a comment (or sending me an e-mail if you are unable to leave a comment).

* There will be a giveaway EVERY TIME a new verse is posted (Starbucks e-cards, CD's, books, versepacks, and more!) Yippee!

* We're going to get this party , I mean, "A to Z Memory Verse Challenge" started in a GREAT way. I have 25 GIFTS, yes 25, to giveaway on January 1st.

***Also, any blogger who shares this challenge on her blog will also receive a free gift.***

* Feel free to use the *She Sparkles* A to Z blog button (in my side bar). :)

Wait until you meet one of my sponsors for this A to Z challenge. I'll introduce her on Sunday. She's extending such generosity and is willing to giveaway these great first gifts. What a huge blessing!)

About the Verses....

* I've prayerfully tried to select verses that are "kid friendly". Our family will be doing this challenge together (yes, all of us!) - I hope yours will too!

* If you participated in our A to Z plan in 2009, please know the verses are different this year.

Grand Prize....

At the finish line in December, there will be FUN, EXCITING prizes to giveaway for individuals and families. Yippee!

Whew! What a lot of details! What am I forgetting?? Please feel free to e-mail me any comments, questions, or thoughts. My hope is that the A to Z Memory Verse Challenge will be fun, inspiring, encouraging, power-filled and a huge blessing for all! Time spent memorizing God's Word is never wasted time!

Lastly, whether you choose to follow the ABC plan or another way, may I encourage you to pick one verse before you close this post that you can commit to memory. (Do you have your verse??) Now grab an index card, write it out, carry it with you wherever you go, and say it aloud often!! Let's allow God to transform our minds!!

Happy Memorizing!!

P.S. In case you don't want to miss any of the Memory Verse Updates, you can subscribe to *She Sparkles* to get my posts by e-mail.


  1. Love love love!! Just what I need to get me memorizing this year! I will share with my bloggy friends!!

  2. I found you through Amelia's blog. With a baby in NICU for 4 months, 3 surgeries down & 1 to go, and months more until she can go home, I think this challenge is just what our family needs! I'm in!

  3. I found you through Amelia's blog. With a baby in NICU for 4 months, 3 surgeries down & 1 to go, and months more until she can go home, I think this challenge is just what our family needs! I'm in!

  4. Can't wait! By the grace of God, I'm going to commit to do this in 2012 (for real!). Thanks, Cindy. Love, Jenny C.

  5. yeah this is just what I need. I just shared it on my blog today

  6. I'm getting excited. I am very much in. I am glad that the verses are going to be kid friendly. I am going to get my dd involved and see if my middleman will join in as well.

  7. Thankful for your post!! I shared it this morning on my blog! Thanks for pointing us in the right direction for 2012!

  8. Yay! This sounds like so much fun:) And the accountability of doing it as a group is great! THank you- Can't wait!!!

  9. Yup! We're on board, Cindy! Thanks for encouraging us and coming up with the scripture verses for us to learn. :-)

  10. Bless you for being such an encouragement.

  11. Hello sister! I am excited to begin this new year with a new purpose for memorizing God's word. I am in!
    And I gave a little blurb about it on my blog. When I have more time, I'll go into further detail there.;-)

  12. Cindy... shared the 2009 list with my small group and they loved it... I will forward them a link to you blog so they can join the 2012 fun!

  13. I love this idea! I've been trying to compose a list of A-Z verses for my kids, but knowing that you've already done this (AND it's for me AND my family) is wonderful! Thank you :)

    P.S. I found out about this from Jen Maranka :)

  14. Yes, Yes, YES!!! So very excited and have already shared this on my blog! Looking forward to each and every verse and I *greatly* appreciate the grace and mercy you showed with this first verse and my memorization-resistant brain!!

  15. Thank you for doing this. I am very excited to have a memory "program" to keep me accountable. I love scripture, and I love hiding it in my heart. Happy 2012. God bless you and your family. I am in.

  16. Found you through Amelia's blog as fun is this!!! Joining in and will share on my blog as well!

  17. Just posted on twitter...and on my blog...also subscribed!!! woo hoo I'm ready! Tried to add the button to my blog page, but had trouble with that...any suggestions?

  18. I came over from Gigi's site, and am excited for this challenge - have been thinking about the need to do this, and this came up just at the right time. Thanks for doing this.

  19. Wow! This is just wonderful! Thank you for doing all of this. I look forward to joining you for this!

  20. Love this. Thanks for doing this. I am joining you.

  21. Hi, Im glad I found this. I tried to cut/paste the button but could not. :)
