Monday, December 5, 2011

Marriage Monday: Party Language (Part 2)

Do you know someone going through a hard time this Christmas? Check out my "When the Holidays are Hard" series for helpful tips and suggestions.

Hey Friends!

You may remember that last week was my husband John's birthday.

Being the celebration-lovin', party girl that I am, I wanted John to have a extra-special, fun-filled birthday!

However, one of the many lessons I've learned being married is that what John would desire for his birthday and what I would hope for are very different. (i.e. exact opposite!)

Some years I've missed the mark. For example, I thought a limo ride and a "This is Your Life" themed surprise party (with a huge house full of people) would be tons of fun!

But for, not so much.

Since then, I've worked really hard to understand John's "party language" and plan fun things that would be special for him.

This year, a few days before his birthday, I took John out to dinner to a fancy steak dinner, just the two of us (thanks, Groupon!).

The week of John's birthday, we had a fun family celebration, a special time with our couples small group, and John was celebrated well at work.

Wednesday night John said to me, "This has really been the best birthday ever".

I said, "Even more fun than your 40th last year?"

John said, "Yep, even better!"

Woo Hoo! This understanding his party language is really paying off!

This past weekend the celebration continued! One of John's gifts were plane tickets for John to visit his very best friend Tim Leyen and his wife Erin (with me going along, of course!).

We traveled from Grand Rapids, Michigan to...

Charlotte, North Carolina!

John and I had the BEST time with Tim and Erin! While John and Tim went bike riding, hiking, ropes course climbing and watched their favorite college sports...

Erin and I went caught up over coffee, went shopping (thanks, Mom, for your generous Lifeway purchase!), and enjoyed each other's company. She is a celebration girl (just like me). Fun!

(Thank you so much, Tim & Erin, for your pampering! You blessed us!) What a GREAT birthday celebration trip! :)

What about for you, dear bloggy friend...what's your "party language"? What have you learned about celebrating your husband/wife? I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! May your week be filled with much joy, love, and CELEBRATION!!

P.S. I'll be heading out tonight (Monday, December 5th) at 7:00 PM EST to share "The True Gift of Christmas" at a local Christmas Candlelight gathering. My presentation will include a Gospel message, and the coordinator shared there will be women attending who do not yet know Jesus. If the Lord brings it to mind, would you please lift this opportunity in prayer? I would be so grateful!! Thank you! :)

P.S. S. For more Marriage Monday ideas, please visit my dear friend Julie from Come Have A Peace!

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