Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sick Kid Strategies

Next week is Thanksgiving. Wow! Be sure to check out my Thanksgiving Family Fun Ideas ~ A to-Z Style!

Hey friends ~

The flu bug has hit our home. Ugh.

My little Sarah woke up this morning with a horrible sore throat and stomach ache. :(

Sarah's teacher said there were 3 kids out today. A school friend/mom said she got a call from the bus line this morning. The lady said "Yes, this is June from GRPS. Your son has been throwing up A LOT on the bus. You might want to meet us at school." (Poor guy!) Her other son was home yesterday because he felt "miserable".

I guess it's that time of year :)

Last year I put together my first "Sick Kid Strategies" list. At the time we had lice. (Sorry Sarah, but I'll take the flu over lice any day). Enjoy my Sick Kid Strategies list! :)

My Top 6 Strategies for staying sane in the midst of sick kids.

1. Send for help.

I used to be a very independant, self-sufficient, "I can do it" type girl. Then I had 4 kids, and I realized I am in way over my head. I have learned to ask for help from family & friends, and share with my husband what I need.

If I need to get out of the house after being "cooped up" for 5 days straight, I'll now share that with my husband. Or if my daughter really is craving jello, and our pantry is jello-less, Grandma's & Grandpa's love to make little trips over. Or for the friend that says, "Can I bring you a latte?" ~ the answer is always YES! :) In the midst of sick kids, it helps to send for help when needed.

2. Snuggle

Now that my kids are 7, 8, 10, and 17 ~ they are usually "on the go" more often than not. While our kids are sick, it's a great time to take advantage of their desire to snuggle. :)

3. Sanitize

...however, be sure to sanitize often! Thankfully I've not caught "the bug" that has been on the loose in our home. And thank goodness for Lysol and other household cleaners! We have wipes, sprays, cleaners and sanitizer in every room!

4. Sick Bell

Last year I purchased a simple bell at the Dollar Store now known as our "Sick Bell". When the kids are feeling under the weather, I sanitize the bell, and then they get to keep it with them at all times.

Not only do the kids enjoy having the bell close-by, it's helpful for me and John too. This week it was especially helpful when my daughter started throwing up in the night. She rang, and I ran. I love our sick bell!

5. Show movies.

Last winter, I had the chance to watch a lot of great movies with my kids. One friend let us borrow the whole Anne of Green Gables series (wonderful! I'd never seen it.), my mentor brought over a bag of movie classics, plus Grandpa Bultema brought over the whole Sugar Creek Gang collection (another new favorite).

Showing good, wholesome, family-friendly movies has helped make all of the time pass by more quickly! :)

6. Surrender

The most important lesson I've learned during "seasons of sickness" is to surrender and trust Him completely. God does know what He is doing (even if it doesn't "feel" like it).

I'll admit, last year right before the week before the Red Hot retreat, I could/should have been a basket case. My plan was to prepare/plan/pray that whole week ~ and instead we had sick kids and lice. Ugh.

I had to let it all go....trust in Him wholeheartedly ~ being anxious and uptight wasn't going to solve anything, especially in the midst of a crazy detour.

Looking back, what a gift to spend that time before the Retreat with my little girl, snuggling on the couch, writing out Scripture, while we watched movies and rested together. God doesn't waste ANYTHING, of this I am sure....

My hope is that I won't have to lean on these "Sick Day Strategies" much longer...but I would love to hear from you! What have you learned works best for your family when your kids are under the weather?? Share with us please!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! Have a healthy, joy-filled, flu-free day! :)

P.S For more Works for Me Wednesday ideas, head over and visit Kristen at We Are That Family. Get ready to read a TON of great suggestions! :)

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