Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Serial Arsonist Update

Photo Grand Rapids Press

Hello dear bloggy friends ~

You may remember my desperate plea for prayer last fall, when a serial arsonist was going through our neighborhood setting garages on fire. In fact, one fire (fire # 8) was five houses away from my home! I watched our neighbor's garage go up in flames from our master bedroom at 2:30 AM. It was terrifying!

Thankfully, after many sleepless nights for us all, the police caught the arsonist red-handed before anyone was hurt.

Here's a brief excerpt from a
Wood TV 8 news article when the arsonist was caught:

"A Silent Observer tip after a fire on Grand Rapid's northeast side put investigators on the trail of the suspect. News 8 confirmed through family members that the suspect is 23-year-old Joseph McIntyre.

Police have been following the suspect practically 24/7 according to one investigator. They busted him about 2:15 a.m. Sunday near the latest fire scene.

After an interview that went on for about four hours, one investigator told News 8, "He's made statements that have tied him to all of the fires."

No one has been injured, but there were some close calls. "

Thank you for praying the arsonist would be caught! We all slept much better when Joseph was behind bars ~ and were so thankful that God heard everyone's prayers and protected us all from harm.

I know many of you dear *She Sparkles* friends around the nation were praying for the arsonist, so I wanted to fill you in on the recent update.

Over the past few weeks, we've been following Joseph's trial in the news. How tragic to hear of the pain and trauma that was a part of the very fabric of this young man's life. I'm certainly not excusing his actions, but my heart still hurts for this young man and the abuse he experienced most of his life.

Although Joseph's defense claimed he was insane when setting the fires, last week a jury found him guilty on all charges.

May the Lord reveal Himself to Joseph McIntyre, and may he get the help that he so desperately needs (while he is behind bars).

`For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' (Matthew 25:35-36)

Will you join me in praying for this troubled young man, his family, and the many lives impacted by the fires? May God redeem this tragic situation, and in His own unique way bring beauty out of the horrible ashes.

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. I thank God for you!

1 comment:

  1. Cindy, this just grieves my heart. A man so young, so full of life. I will say a pray for him.
