Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Divine Appointment in Atlanta

Hey Friends :)

When was the last time you experienced a Divine appointment??

You may remember, last weekend I flew to Texas for a wonderful women's retreat. What I haven't shared yet on my blog was one of the obstacles I faced the week before the trip.

A few days before I left, I sent my itinerary to my mom. She called later that day and said, "Cindy, why are you going to be gone for 9 days??" I was in shock! My mom was correct ~ somehow I ordered a plane ticket leaving on Friday the 21st, returning on Sunday, October 30th. AHHH!

After stressing and crying, I called the airline. Unfortunately there were no seats open on the flight I had wanted. After paying a horrible flight switching fee, I had a new ticket to come home late Monday 10/24(rather than Sunday). Although my flight out of Texas would be super early in the AM, I would have to spend almost 5 hours with a layover in Atlanta, and get back to Michigan at 4:21 PM.

I cried more (my little girls hate when I'm away, so to be gone an extra night tugged on this mama's heart)....but there was nothing I could do. Ugh.

My prayer team started praying that God would use my messed up plane ticket for His purposes. And boy did He ever!

Andrea (the retreat coordinator extraordinaire) helped me coordinate a meal with Jen from Finding Heaven. What a blessing! I'd not have had this "iron sharpening iron" time with my original plane ticket. (Thanks Andrea & Jen for making this work!)

And then...would you believe I ran into a good friend in the crazy, busy Atlanta airport????

I was preparing to board the plane to Michigan, when I spotted my dear friend Karen. (Karen and I have been friends for years ~ she was even in my wedding 11 years ago!).

Karen was getting ready to fly out of the country. She had just been praying for God to encourage her....and then BOOM! ~ there I was!!

Isn't God fun?! :)

Karen and I had almost 20 minutes to catch up before I started to fly home. It was such a special gift from the Lord!

“Disappointment—His appointment,”
Change one letter, then I see
That the thwarting of my purpose
Is God’s better choice for me. —Young

Only God! He can turn a disappointment into His Divine appointment!

How have you seen God turn an obstacle into an opportunity?? A disappointment into a Divine appointment? I'd love to hear your stories! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you!

P.S. The winner of the
"Full" giveaway by Kendal Privette is Jamie at Just Your Everyday Blessed So and So. (Please send me your mailing address, Jamie) Thank you to all who entered! And thank you, Kendal, for sharing your journey with such authenticity and courage. I thank God for you! :)


  1. Cindy! So glad you shared this. So amazing how God works. Sometimes, all we need is to change our perspective (or a letter of a word) to see how He is working.

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog, Cindy! You are so encouraging and your passion for God shines through in all you do and say!

  3. God never ceases to amaze me! So thankful you were there to reunite and encourage your friend!

  4. Good Morning Cindy love how God just works it out!! He already knew that you needed that time w/ a friend!! and yes~ even when we seem to be a little weary~ God changes things for our good~ and sometimes I just think He might be protecting us from something when HE changes the plan! I love Jerimiah 29:11~ It just shines:) Happy:) Day!

  5. Ahhh, God is so in the details isn't He!! Love it when He does something like this. Just love it.

  6. God is so cool isn't He?? What a neat story!!!
