Monday, October 31, 2011

"From the Inside Out" - Coming soon to....

Hey Friends!

This weekend I'll be heading from my home in Grand Rapids, Michigan to Shipshewana, Indiana! I'll be the keynote speaker at a women's retreat being held at the Farmstead Inn
. I can't wait to see what God has planned! :)

I'll be speaking on living "From the Inside Out". I'm looking forward to meeting the dear women from Chapel Pointe from Hudsonville Michigan, and sharing what God has been teaching me from His Word! :)

If you've spent any time here at *She Sparkles*, you know I'm pretty passionate about living "from the inside out". I get so discouraged by the media, the culture, the world...that tells us that happiness, joy, contentment, and freedom comes from the outside in.

You know how it goes....when my "outside stuff" is in order, then I'll be happy....

When I lose a little weight,
When I get the right job,
When I get married, then I'll be satisfied.

When we get a bigger house,
When the kids go to school,
When we go on the vacation,

When my husband starts communicating more, or
when we have more $$ (and lots of it, really)....and of course, when I fit into my skinny jeans again....

....then I'll be happpy. Can I just tell you, skinny jeans do not equal happiness, regardless of what Sara Rue wants to say!

(I'm all for living healthy ~ I'm just saying that our worth, value and significance does NOT change based on the size of our pants or a number on a scale)

The truth is our outside circumstances will never bring us true freedom, will they?!

Regardless of the best job, skinniest pants size, biggest bank account, most adoring husband, and well behaved kids ~ none of it will satisfy the deep longings of our heart.

Only Jesus :)

Jesus says, "I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)." (John 10:10 AMP)

I want that life!! Anyone else??! :)

How about for you?? Do you ever wrestle with the "when ________, then ____________" thinking? (It's so easy to do in our world today, isn't it?!) Ugh.

How do you pursue Truth in your daily life?

How do you live "from the inside out"??? I would love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for stopping by *She Sparkles*!

Have a joy-filled, Truth-full, lifegiving week! God's richest blessings to you!

P.S. Would you mind taking a minute and praying for this event? I'll be speaking 4 times during November 4-6. May the Lord move in such a way that hearts and lives are changed for His purpose and glory alone! :)

P.S.S. I'm linking up with Jen at Finding Heaven and the Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood today. Be sure to check out these amazing women. You'll be blessed indeed! :)


  1. Praying that God will give you the words to say and that the women in attendance will be blessed abundantly.

  2. I so agree with you Cindy, all those "things" don't make you happy, you can't wait for all that to be happy, or we never will be, we have one chance in this world...
