Thursday, October 13, 2011

Indiana Shoot Update (Part 2) ~ Woo Hoo!

My dear friends ~

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your prayers, support and encouragement as I headed to Kokomo, Indiana for the filming of my testimony. God is so faithful! It went amazing! Woo Hoo!

As you can imagine, I started off with MUCH fear and trembling. For the first scene, all I had to do was sit on a bench and pull petals off a daisy one by one. I was shaking like crazy! (I was thinking, "Oh boy, it's going to be a looooong day if I can't even do this!").

Thankfully I survived Scene 1~ whew! :)

For my first speaking part, I had to walk across a bridge and then deliver a few lines. The first two takes I was in "speaker mode" (projecting my voice, etc..). Suddenly everything switched. I caught the vision, listened to the producer's coaching, and delivered the lines as if I was just sharing with one person.

I cannot tell you the JOY I experienced when the producer nearly started leaping. "You nailed it Cindy" he shouted, as he started high fiving the crew. It was an incredible moment I will never forget.

After that first speaking scene, I hung on every word the producer said, and it was incredible how smoothly everything went!!!

We didn't have to do any scene more than 5 takes or so (and many times the additional takes were due to outside noise, etc..). The crew was fantastic!!! The weather was picture perfect. My health was 100% (and we all know that is a miracle in and of itself!). Although I was 150% out of my comfort zone, I sensed God's presence, peace, and power like never before. It was a mountaintop experience that I can barely put into words. THANK YOU for all of your prayers!! God heard them all!!!!!

One more highlight....the last scene of the shoot (Tuesday afternoon) was at a restaurant. The producer has been telling me about this scene for months. I'm dressed as a waitress, but come in, sit down at a table, lean in and share very openly and honestly about my cocaine addiction. Fred was very particular about how he wanted this scene to go. It was filled with dramatic pauses, reflective moments, leaning in, etc.. I have been sick about it for weeks.


Fred, once again, nearly started leaping and dancing. He couldn't believe I caught on so quickly (I couldn't either!). He rushed us all over, rewinded the tape, and showed us how "perfectly" the scene took place.

Friends, I could NOT have done that on my own. We witnessed a miracle in that restaurant. I could have started bawling. It was a sacred, holy moment.

I'm sorry for this lengthy post...but I've been trying to think of the words to express how absolutely grateful I am to God for His faithfulness and goodness.

It could not have gone any better, and I know that is due to others "praying down the tracks". THANK YOU!

What dreams are on your heart? Are there opportunities coming up that only God could do?

May this journey remind you that God can use anyone, do anything, and truly accomplish anything that He desires...and that prayer does work!!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! I thank God for you!!!

With a grateful heart ~

P.S. A special note of thanks to Bobby, Wayne, Fred, Will, Mary & Julie. Best crew ever! :)


  1. Woo Hoo indeed! God is so good!

  2. So excited about this, Cindy. been praying for you and excited to see the answers to prayers.

  3. Wow! That is so cool! :) I'm so happy for you... when is the show going to air? And what channel?


  4. How wonderful, Cindy! Isn't it amazing when God shows up just when we need Him? One take..and all the praise to Him.

  5. Cheering for you friend. I was excited to get caught up on your trip, and the pics, wow! Thanks for thinking to have someone take them. Very exciting.
