Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Indiana Shoot Update (Part 1) ~ Woo Hoo!

Hey Friends!!

I'm home! I'm home! God showed up BIG TIME!! I can't wait to tell you all about it! THANK YOU for "praying down the tracks
". You have no idea how much your support means to me. I am beyond grateful!!!

I am completely 110% wiped out, the Critter Control man is here, kids have a 1/2 day of school, etc......but I wanted to fill you in and share God's goodness with you! :)

For today, I'll share an update written by Fred Hollis, the of manager Radio/TV and producer of Day of Discovery
at RBC Ministries. Fred posted this on the Day of Discovery facebook page, and I have his permission to share it with you! :)

Indiana Shoot Update from Fred by Day of Discovery (Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 9:09am).

We began production on the autobiography of Cindy Bultema, who experienced drug addiction, single parenting, death of her fiance, and more. Her story and testimony has resonated with many women who have faced the same challenges and struggles in life.

(Picture above ~ Cindy and Fred)

Highland Park in Kokomo, Indiana provided a glimpse into her early life growing up in this modest Midwestern community. Today's weather was stunning. Sun shining through trees in full color, artfully dropping leaves with the breezes, temps in the upper 70s.

Though Cindy has led many women's Bible study groups and seminars, talking effectively into a camera lens is another story, and she embraced it brilliantly.

Using the Park where she played as a child, Cindy shared the story of her journey to Jesus, where she found the love and meaning she needed to live. We are on schedule to complete all her Indiana segments by the end of the day tomorrow [Tuesday], with another two days of production in Michigan next month to complete the story. - Fred Hollis

Friends, I cannot wait to tell you how God answered ALL of your prayers. I am speechless (and we all know that doesn't happen often!). I will try to put my thoughts and feelings into words, and share more with you later this week!

With much love and gratitude ~


  1. Praising the Lord with you, Cindy!!! Sounds awesome - can't wait to hear and see more. For now, hope you can rest! With love, Jenny C.

  2. I am just so excited for you and all God has done I could nearly explode with joy!!

  3. Oh Cindy, I am just all smiles for you. Can't wait to read more! :)

    Glad you made it back home safely.


  4. Oh, how exciting Cindy! What a testimony you are to God's grace and faithfulness. He is using you in a mighty way. Hugs to you!

  5. Praise God!! Praying He does awesome and wonderful things through you and this video.

  6. Oh I can't wait to hear!

  7. I am so excited to hear it all went well. I knew it would. Can't wait to hear more!

  8. Much to give thanks for, Cindy. God is so great and good and faithful!
