Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: SURPRISE!

West Michigan friends ~
I'll be at the Praise & Coffee Night
tomorrow night (Thursday the 11th) in Plainwell, Michigan. I'll be talking about addiction, body image stuff, living 'Fat Talk Free', and the FREEDOM that we have in Christ! Grab a girlfriend for a fun night out! I'd love to meet you there! :)

Hey Friends :)

Happy Wednesday to you!!I thought I'd try a Wordless Wednesday
again, but you know me....I'm not very good at it! How can I not say "something?"?! :)

10 years ago today I was pregnant with baby #2. Our doctor had done an ultrasound for us, and assured us we were having a girl.

We were blessed to have a number of different baby showers for "Baby Rebecca". We painted "her" room and got the nursery all stocked and ready with pink onesies, dresses, and more!

On the big day, as soon as I delivered my new precious baby (without any drugs, I might add ~ not by my choice...another story!) ~ I turned to the nurse and asked...

"Does she have red hair??"

The nurse replied, "HE DOES!"

After the initial shock (and desperate attempt to come up with a boy name!) ~ we immediately rejoiced in God's provision (and sense of humor!).

And yes, if you attended Mars Hill Bible Church in 2001, you may remember Benj's story! Our friend and pastor Rob Bell got a big kick out of sharing with the congregation Benj's birth .

(I'll never forget when Rob called the hospital at 2:00 on Sunday afternoon and said, "Cindy, I told everyone at 9 & 11 services, and can't wait to do it again at 6".) For many years, folks would say, "Oh, is this your baby girl? Snicker. snicker."

That's ok ~ God knew EXACTLY what He was doing!!!

Happy, Happy Birthday Benj!!! We love you and thank God every day for making you uniquely you (and totally sports crazy, 100% boy!) !!!

And I'm also grateful you love a good celebration ~ just like your mom! :)

Speaking of celebrations, we've got one planned for tonight to celebrate Benj's 10th birthday!!! I'm off to pick up the hockey cake!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! May the Lord bless you with a Wonderful Wednesday!!!

P.S. I love my husband John's note to Benj on FB today..."Happy Birthday Tiger. That's what I called you when I gave you your first bath because you didn't have a name yet!!" :)


  1. What a great story..I have a similar one with my Matt, except I found out a week before. at delivery would have really thrown me LOL Happy birthday to your son!!

  2. What a great story!! I love learning these interesting tid bits about you especially after hanging out with you at SS. So hope to see you again next year.

  3. Fun story of a "special surprise"!!

    He is a good looking boy. I hope Benj has a great birthday.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  4. My friend had the same experience. She had to get the nursery repainted and the nurses felt so bad she didn't have any boy clothes that they all chipped in and got her some! God always knows what he is doing. Children are a gift from the Lord even when it isn't what we were expecting! God Bless Benji today and everyday as he grows in HIM!
