Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Me! :)

Hey Friends :)

As you may remember, John and I celebrated our
11th wedding Anniversary this week. Woo Hoo!

Years ago, our wonderful marriage mentors suggested that John and I take time away once each season to reconnect, enjoy each other's company, have fun, and relax. We've graciously accepted the challenge! And whereas we've not been perfect at getting away once a season, John and I have been intentional about going on "mini-moons" as often as we can ~ especially to celebrate our Anniversaries!

So this past weekend, we enjoyed a special Anniversary "
mini moon" to....(any guesses??)

After checking out lots of great ideas from my friends, I selected Traverse City. (Last year, John picked ~ so this year was my turn! He likes boats, water, etc.. I like fancy hotels and Starbucks nearby). I did try to compromise :)

We enjoyed our time at the
Grand Traverse Resort. Here's a view from our balcony...

And a view from Aries, a restaurant located on the 16th floor.

But don't worry ~ John still was able to see lots of boats (I just didn't have to ride them across Lake Michigan this year!)

I enjoyed some cherry pie (since we were in the Cherry capital of the world!)

And John was sweet and brought me a latte in the morning :) The art of compromise!

John and I have both enjoyed our mini-moons over the past 11 years of marriage! A special thank you to our marriage mentors, Doug and Judie Childress, for giving us the challenge many years ago! (And for my parents for watching the 4 kids, and my inlaws for keeping the dog ~ bless you!!!!)

What about for you?? What's the best nuggest of marriage wisdom you've received?? I'd love to hear from you!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, joy-filled day!!

P.S. I'm linking up today with Jen and friends at Soli Deo Gloria. Be sure to check out this amazing sisterhood of women! :)


  1. taking at least mini-vacations together. my mother-in-law suggested and has actually paid for several of them. she wishes she and her husband had done this and is helping us. we have started saving for next summer - the caribbean for our 20th!

  2. oops - congratulations on your eleventh!

  3. Date nights! Or, from our poorer days, we would have date lunches while the kids were in school. (No babysitter needed and lunches are cheaper than dinners!)

    Happy anniversary! We celebrate our 21st this Thursday the 11th!

  4. Congratulations!!! Thanks for sharing such great pictures!! You haven't changed since your wedding today!! What's your secret!! :)

  5. First off, you have a beautiful smile, my friend. Very pretty quality.

    Second, I love your Michigan references since I was raised in Cheboygan...yep, yep, well, until about sixth grade. Do you know I haven't been that far into MI since I was twelve. I've always wanted to look at it through my adult eyes.

  6. I agree with what amy said.. you do have a beautiful smile.. in fact you sparkle so i think your blog is greatly named. I loved your pictures .. happy anniversary and many blessings
    Jenn Hand

  7. CONGRATS on this anniversary!!!
    God bless,

  8. Happy anniversary, friend!

    Hmmm, best nugget of marriage wisdom? Know which battles to fight and which battles to either not fight, or leave for another day!

  9. Happy anniversary! Hah, my post is also about our recent anniversary mini-moon. Well, one bit of it anyway.
    Marriage nugget?? Remember that men and women think differently. Your guy loves you and really means well, even when he doesn't show it in the way you might expect.

  10. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I celebrated our 11th on the 7th of August! I love the idea of mini-moons. I may just have to start a new tradition. ;) Thanks for sharing.
